How to Donate Qurbani for Palestine and Gaza

Eid al-Adha is a time for reflection, sacrifice, and sharing our blessings with those less fortunate. As we honor the profound act of faith by Prophet Ibrahim (AS), it’s important to remember the suffering of people around the world. This Eid, one impactful way to make a difference is to Donate Qurbani for Gaza. At Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, we ensure that your Qurbani reaches the most vulnerable families in Palestine, providing them with much-needed sustenance during this critical time.

How to Donate Qurbani for Palestine and Gaza

Why Donate Qurbani for Palestine and Gaza?

Helping Families in Crisis

Gaza, enduring prolonged siege and ongoing conflict, desperately needs humanitarian aid. Many families in Gaza struggle to meet basic needs, including access to food. By choosing to Donate Qurbani for Gaza, you provide these families with fresh meat during Eid al-Adha, allowing them to celebrate with joy and dignity.

Providing Nutritious Meals

Qurbani donations ensure that families facing food insecurity receive vital nutrition. Fresh meat, rich in essential nutrients, is often scarce in such challenging conditions. By donating Qurbani, you directly enhance their diet and overall health during the holiday period.

Fostering Unity and Solidarity

Donating Qurbani for Gaza sends a powerful message of unity among Muslims. By contributing, you join hands with fellow Muslims to support the people of Gaza, reminding them that they are not alone. This act of kindness underscores our interconnectedness and the importance of supporting one another in times of need, reflecting the values of compassion and solidarity.

How to Donate Qurbani for Gaza with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust

How to Donate Qurbani for Palestine and Gaza

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Visit Our Website: Go to the Al Mustafa Welfare Trust website and navigate to the Qurbani section.

2. Select Your Region: Choose the Middle East region, particularly Gaza.

3. Choose Your Animal: Depending on your preference and budget, you can choose options like sheep (£329) or a cow share (£286).

4. Add to Cart: Put your chosen Qurbani option in the cart and check out.

5. Complete Your Donation: Follow prompts to complete your donation; you can donate for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Ensuring Your Qurbani Reaches Gaza

We are working together with Egyptian Red Crescent Society (ERCS) in ensuring that qurbani goes well as planned by all Muslims worldwide who want to help their brothers in faith through us making it possible for them hence facilitating this process here is how we handle your donation:

- Animal Purchase and Slaughter: Animals are bought then slaughtered at Al Arish, Egypt.

- Distribution in Gaza: Fresh meat is transported to Gaza after slaughter. In southern part of Gaza it is given directly to poor families while for the northern area where access is very difficult, we try our best to drop meat and if not possible than such food will be cooked at Al Arish kitchens and hot meals distributed.

The Impact of Your Qurbani

Donate Qurbani for Palestine.

By deciding to engage in donation activities for Gaza through Contributing towards Qurabni you bring up essential nutrients that may celebrate Eid but without meat some of these families would not have any form of nutrition at all. This kind of act tells people who live within this region that more attention has been paid upon them by supporting each other with true love and unity which they have decided towards our way as their fellow Muslims living in different parts of Malaysia or anywhere across the globe.

Additional Ways to Help

Apart from qurbani there are many other ways in which you can help the people of Gaza.

- Family Food Pack: For £55 you can give a family enough nutritious food for one month.

- Eid Gifts for Orphans: With only £45, bring happiness to an orphan with a special Eid gift.

- Plant Olive Trees: By spending £50, you will be supporting Palestinian farmers by planting five olive trees.

- Water Tanks: With only £70, provide families living in internally displaced person (IDP) camps clean water.


This Eid al-Adha, make a significant impact by choosing to Give qurbani for Gaza through Al Mustafa Welfare Trust. Your generosity will bring joy and relief to those who need it most, embodying the true spirit of Eid. Visit our website today to make your Qurbani donation and ensure that the blessings of Eid reach every corner of Gaza.

For more information or assistance, please contact us at 0208 569 6444. Let us join hands together on this noble cause during this blessed month of Ramadhan and make a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate.

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