How to Identify Purebred Poodle Puppy: A Complete Guide

3 min read
23 January 2023

Adding a new puppy to your home can be a fascinating experience, and the best puppy to add is the adorable purebred poodle. You can find a variety of mixed-breed poodles, but there is something special about purebred poodle puppies.

So how can you tell that if your poodle is a purebred? If your poodle puppy is purebred, here are some important traits to notice about its breeding appearance.

  • General Appearance
  • Head Shape
  • Coat
  • Body
  • Forequarters
  • Hindquarters

Poodles are an excellent bread for many families due to their energetic, friendly temperament and easy training skills. However, they can become lonely dogs if left alone for an extended period and require regular grooming.

How to Identify Purebred Poodle Puppy: A Complete Guide

  • What does it mean that a poodle is purebred?

This means that a purebred poodle puppy must have parents who are purebred poodles. Knowing that your puppy is purebred will also help you get a better sense of its final size, build, and shape. It will also help you learn more about your pet’s temperament and behavioral traits.

Is your poodle puppy purebred? 

Luckily, all dog breeds have basic standards you can follow to learn what your puppy should look like, such as:

  • General Appearance of purebred poodles

Most purebred poodle puppies have these personalities. This varies from dog to dog, but many poodles are active, intelligent, and elegant. You should notice a reasonably well-proportioned, square physique.

  • Head Shape

Purebred poodles have a slightly rounded head with a slight but pronounced stop. Cheekbones and muscles are flat, and the length from the back of the head to the stop is roughly the length of the dog’s muzzle.

  • Coat Structure

A big clue to check about your purebred Poodle puppy is its coat, which is a non-shedding breed. They come in various colors, including apricot and cafe au lait. Regardless of color, your poodle should have fairly dense, curly, wire-like hair.

  • Forequarter shape

The shoulders should be strong and muscular, and the blades should be laid back and about the same length as the tops of the front legs. The front legs should be straight and parallel; however, when viewed from the side, the elbow is just below the highest point of the shoulder.

  • Hindquarters Shape

The rear quarter should balance the shape of the front quarter. When viewed from behind, the hind legs are straight and parallel. You will notice that the dog is muscular and has well-bent knees. The femur and tibia are approximately the same lengths.

Bottom Line

These physical characteristics can tell you a lot, but it cannot be easy to distinguish an actual purebred poodle puppy from other breeds. This is why we recommend buying a purebred poodle in Travelers Rest, SC, from a reputable breeder such as Ley Ley B Precious pups. Purebred breeders are the best way to ensure you get a poodle puppy that exhibits a pure bloodline. These breeders take their work seriously and take great pride in their pets.

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Alvis 2
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