How To Use A Task Management App To Help Your Team Stay Organized

How To Use A Task Management App To Help Your Team Stay Organized
6 min read
17 October 2022


Teamwork is hard. It requires a lot of communication, coordination and trust. As the leader of your team, it's important for you to make sure that everyone knows what needs to be done, who's doing it and when they'll finish up their tasks. That's where task management apps come into play! These apps allow users to create lists of tasks that they can assign to other people on the team or even yourself as well as share progress updates with each other throughout the project timeline so there are no surprises later down the road when deadlines approach or deadlines pass without any movement at all.

Give your team a shared list of tasks.

  • Give your team a shared list of tasks.
  • Use a project-planner.
  • Use a task management app to help your team stay organized.

Use one place for feedback, debates and questions.

Once you've figured out how to use your task management app, it's time to start using it. The best way is to create a separate channel for feedback, debates and questions. Don't use the same platform for all three of these things you want them all in one place so that everyone can see what's going on without having to search through multiple channels or tabs.

It's also important that this channel has its own chat feature so that people can talk about tasks without having their conversations get lost in the shuffle of other messages (this is especially true if there are multiple people working on different projects).

Assign owners to every task.

Assigning owners to every task is a great way to keep your team organized and on task. If you assign a task to the wrong person, they won’t be able to complete it. So make sure that you know who should be doing each task before assigning them one!

When assigning tasks, make sure that they have the resources required for completing their role in an efficient manner. For example: if someone needs access or permission from another person before they can do their job properly (like getting approval from management), then make sure that person has this permission before assigning them a new task or project related with IT security issues such as password recovery or change management policies etc...

Break down big projects into smaller parts.

The “divide and conquer” technique is a simple way to get started on a task, and it also helps you to identify your own strengths and weaknesses.

The first step in this process is to break down big projects into smaller parts. This can be done through either a brainstorming exercise or by simply listing out all of the tasks involved in completing an application or project together as one large list. Once you have this list of individual tasks, think about how each one could be broken down into smaller chunks that still make sense for your team (if needed). You may find yourself with more than one idea on what kind of breakdown would work best!

Share updates daily.

As you can see, there are many ways to share updates with your team. The most important thing is that they're not just sharing one update at a time, but rather they're sharing an entire task management system.

It's also important to note that the frequency of these updates will vary depending on whether or not it's a new year and/or quarter. In other words: if your company has been around for years and years then it would make sense for them to have quarterly goals instead of daily ones (which might be too much pressure).

However if this isn't the case then I'd suggest getting used to doing daily checks-ins because no matter what type of business you run whether it's digital marketing services or something else entirely you'll need some kind of accountability system going on somewhere within your organization."

Set up a place for everyone to regularly post their work progress.

To get the most out of your task management app, you should set up a place for everyone to regularly post their work progress. This can be as simple as posting it on a wall or sending an email with the link.

You'll want to make sure that everyone knows what they're working on and when they're going to finish it so that no one feels overwhelmed by their workload. The more organized your team is, the more likely it will be that everyone will understand what needs to be done and when and therefore feel less stressed about deadlines or having too much work at once!

Don't use your task management app for conversation or fun stuff.

Your task management app is not the place to chat with your team. It's not a social media platform, and it shouldn't be used as one.

Your task management app should serve as a tool for coordination and communication, not a place for fun or idle chitchat. If you want to keep things on topic, talk about projects and tasks instead of joking around or gossiping about other people's personal lives.


Tasks are important, and a task management app is an easy way to stay organized. But more than that it’s a good way to collaborate with your team and make them feel valued. It also helps you get better results by sharing information in real time without having to do it manually every single week. So if you’ve been looking for something that will help you stay organized but also keep everyone on top of what they need to do, give us a call today! We can take care of everything from setup up until the end of the project or while away at vacation.

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