How Trauma Therapy Helps a Person to Build a New Life?

How Trauma Therapy Helps a Person to Build a New Life?
5 min read

Numerous studies have proved that psychotherapy really works. The therapy can help in various contexts, from depression to eating disorders. So it is very difficult to explain how these therapies work because each therapeutic relationship is different. So the way they treat them is different as well. Some patients are just all quiet and on the other hand, some patients became extremely aggressive, so they can’t really follow the same procedure for everyone.

When you are looking for trauma therapy in Calabasas, or elsewhere, you should know that you choose a professional one only. Before understanding trauma therapy you should understand what is trauma and what are its types. So let’s get started.  

What is Trauma?

Trauma is any kind of distressing event that can be caused physically, sexually, and emotionally, affecting a person’s ability to think or function. It is an emotional response to a single distressing event or series of traumatic events. Traumas are generally caused by sudden and unpredictable events that can involve the death of someone we love, a life-threatening event, child abuse, sexual assault, feelings of betrayal, etc.

Types of Traumas

Types of trauma depend on the reason for trauma. Trauma can be emotional or physical, and a severe bodily injury can cause it. So, let’s discuss the types of traumas. 

● Acute Trauma

It is a trauma that is for a short period of time. It is an emotional response to intense distress after or during the event. It is an immediate emotional reaction to the one-time distressing event. 

● Chronic Trauma

It is a kind of trauma that arises from distressing events that are repeated or continued for a very long-time. Like child abuse, sexual abuse, etc.

● Secondary Trauma

It arises from exposure to other people’s suffering, it can be caused by different professionals as it can happen to law enforcement they build a connection to their client and later get so invested in the case that they build traumas, etc. Because of this trauma, they avoid emotional attachment to other people to protect themselves from this type of trauma. 

● Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)

This type of trauma can be built in children when they directly or indirectly witness difficult or traumatic situations before they even develop their effective coping skills.

Treatments for Traumas: 

When you avoid any kind of problem, it builds a similar problem and then collectively becomes the bigger problem. Similarly, if traumas are left unaddressed or untreated then they can affect your personal and professional life as well. So, it is very important to address your problem and then get it treated.  

● Lifestyle

A change of lifestyle can be really helpful. Change in lifestyle promotes self-care, one should add yoga, meditation, socialization, exercise, and getting good sleep to their schedule. This will somehow distract you from the things you are traumatized about. 

And one should avoid things that affect your physical and mental health like you should avoid smoking, drinking, and drugs. Avoiding these things will not only help you in keeping your physical health better but also provide calmness to your mental health. 

● Psychotherapy:

The therapy can help in building resilience. And can also help in building coping skills and also helps in identifying the unresolved feelings that don’t let you move on from the past experience. 

The therapy will help the person who is suffering because of the past hurtful effect to process the traumatic event and also helps you fight the insecurities you feel because of the traumatic event. It is a talking treatment. It is a collaboration between you and the psychologist, who work to help you with the issues you are suffering like if you feel emotions like fear, unsafe, helplessness, or vulnerability because of that event. 

You can visit a quality and professional therapist for consultancy regarding trauma therapy if you have any questions related to your trauma.

Therapy can be the ideal solution for you, not just when you are dealing with psychological issues like trauma, depression and anxiety, but also when it is about your relationship with your partner. You can consult a reliable therapist for couples therapy in Calabasas, or wherever you live.

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