Increase Your Yield By Choosing The Right Fungicide For Plants

Increase Your Yield By Choosing The Right Fungicide For Plants
6 min read
27 February 2023

Fungicides are agrochemicals that kill or control bacteria and fungi's growth and spores. Farmers use them to control pests that destroy plants through leaf spots, rusts, mildew, blast, blights etc. Fungicide for plants is effective in multiple ways, wherein most such crop protection chemicals damage fungal cell membranes or attack their energy production within fungal  the cells.

Essential tips to consider when using a fungicide for plants:

Diagnosing fungal disease in plants is problematic because it can be often misunderstood. Ideally, you should check with the local agricultural expert authorities for help in identifying plant disease. They could suggest a better treatment strategy for your farmland. Usually, plant diseases occur when leaves are wet and humidity is ideal for their growth. You can use ground-level watering and more efficient air circulation to keep leaves dry. 

Several fungicides only prevent disease but are not very effective once symptoms have developed. Few fungicides stay on the surface of plant tissues and do not affect the entire plant. At the same time, others penetrate deep into the cuticle and transmit through plant tissues through Xylem and Phloem. By maintaining farmland sanitation, you can prevent the spreading of fungal pathogens that may slow or stop the development of new symptoms.

Vegetable fungicide

Chlorothalonil is a very popular vegetable fungicide known as a stand-alone product for protection against various pathogens of vegetable crops like Potato. Besides being effective in  disease control, chlorothalonil is widely used as a pre tank-mix partner for fungicides targeting various diseases across vegetable crops. When used in as pre-mix combination with Azoxystrobin gives excellent control on diseases like leaf spot, downy mildew and powdery mildew in watermelon, cauliflower and Cucurbits. When used as premix with Difenoconazole it control over early & late blight in Tomato ; powdery mildew, anthracnose and fruit rot in chilli is exemplary. Chlorothalonil when used as a premix with Kresoxim-methyl controls powdery mildew, leaf spot, anthracnose in chilli and early & late blight in potato.It's one of the most versatile vegetable fungicide, therefore, can be used repeatedly and sequentially.

Mancozeb also called the KING of all vegetable and fruit fungicides , is a broad-spectrum fungicide with preventive action. It is fungitoxic when exposed to air which gets coverted to an isothiocyanate, thereby inactivating the sulphahydral (SH) groups in enzymes of fungi. Frequently the metal ions are exchanged between mancozeb and enzymes of fungi, thereby causing disturbance in fungal enzyme functioning. Mancozeb controls multiple diseases in Tomato, Potato, Apple, Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Jowar, Chilli, Cauliflower, Grapes, Groundnut, Guava, Banana , Apple and Cumin like early blight, late blight, leaf blight, blast, scab, premature leaf fall, downy mildew, alternaria, anthracnose, spot/blight, sooty blotch, brown & black rust, sooty blotch, buck eye rot, ripe rot, leaf spot, sigatoka leaf spot, fruit rot, collar rot, cigar end rot, tikka disease , damping off and angular leaf spot etc.

Mancozeb is an excellent tank mix partner with systemic fungicides to prevent resistance development in plants.

MANCO-KIND is an excellent combination of cymoxanil and mancozeb that controls diseases effectively. It forms a protective layer on leaves and other parts of plants to prevent infection. MANCO-KIND contains aliphatic nitrogen group cymoxanil and polymetric di-thiocarbamate group mancozeb fungicides. MANCO-KIND has dual mode of action. Cymoxanil has inhibitory action on synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids & cellular processes and mancozeb has inhibitory action on enzyme activity resulting into disruption of lipid metabolism, respiration & production of ATP in fungi. 

MANCO-KIND is a broad spectrum fungicide with both Systemic and contact action. It has locally systemic movement within the plant i.e. translaminar movement.  When used as foliar spray it gives curative and preventive action. It has rapid penetration activity into plant tissues and has rain-fastness of 3 hrs. MANCO-KIND is recommended as a good tool for IRM (Insecticide Resistance management). 

Chilli fungicide

Copper fungicide is undoubtedly the best chilli fungicide. It is very effective, besides being safe for the environment. We have been using copper as an antiseptic for thousands of years, and its use in agriculture began almost 70 years ago. There are other chilli fungicides from triazole groups such as propiconazole, difenoconazole, and benzimidazole fungicide.

Which is the best cotton fungicide?

Proline is a powerful, broad-spectrum cotton fungicide that provides disease protection for cotton crops and peanuts. Additionally, you can use sprays of neonicotinoid insecticides such as Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam to create insect resistance because Bt hybrid cotton seeds are treated with neonicotinoids. 

Tebuconazole is another broad-spectrum triazole fungicide people use for seed dressing and foliar spray to control a wide range of diseases such as smuts, bunt, powdery mildew, rusts, leaf spots, and blights.

Amistar Top cotton is a broad spectrum and long-duration cotton fungicide which covers a wide range of diseases like yellow rust, powdery mildew, and late blight.

Hexahuge: V is a combination of fungicide and antibiotic in the concentrated form and is very effective in rice disease management. It is effective in dual mode with inhibitory action on ergosterol biosynthesis, while validamycin has an inhibitory activity on fungal trehalase resulting in the dehydration of fungal spores. Azodozo is the another fungicide that controls multiple plant diseases. Using it as early as possible would be best to avoid irreversible crop damage.

It is always recommended to use Fungicides as preventive solutions rather than curative solutions when the disease has already spread.

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