Installing Private Apps in Shopify Development Store

Installing Private Apps in Shopify Development Store
5 min read
25 August 2023

Using private apps is something to consider if you want your Shopify Plus shop to have extra features and functionality. Whether it's access to your store data through Shopify's APIs, adding new features to your admin panel, or connecting your store to other platforms via the Storefront API, private applications designed for the merchant provide a wide range of advantages.

What are Shopify's private apps?

Installing Private Apps in Shopify Development Store

The Shopify app store only features publicly available applications. Many applications try to solve widespread issues, but seldom do they succeed in doing so altogether. While using numerous applications might assist in ensuring that all of the necessary criteria are satisfied, doing so often can slow down web pages and make for an unpleasant user experience.

This translates poorly onto a larger-scale operation and may hurt your reputation. Shopify's developer tools, APIs, and platform flexibility allow for creating custom applications whenever needed.

These proprietary programs provide a polished, scalable solution to merchants' technological challenges. They aren't available in the Shopify app store, but rather, the agency or developer that made them hands them out to customers directly. Hire Shopify app developers at affordable prices.

How do secure applications function?

Shopify must authorize an app before it can be utilized on the platform. With this safeguard, only reliable applications will be accessible to Shopify store owners.

Once an app is greenlit, it can be made public or kept private. If an app is available in the Shopify App Store, any Shopify private app development company may download and use it. Whereas publicly available apps may be downloaded by anybody, privately distributed apps are only available for installation by retailers who have been provided with a unique install link.

How to install a private Shopify app

Installing Private Apps in Shopify Development Store

To install a private Shopify app on a development shop, you must first generate the necessary credentials from the Shopify admin of the live store you want to integrate your app with.

1. Command Confidential Software

Log in to your Shopify shop, go to the Apps tab, and then click Manage Private Apps on the page's bottom to create a new private app. Click the Applications tab, scroll to the bottom, and click Manage personal applications.

Choose that option if you want to create a new, secure app. If no private apps have been built yet, this button will appear in the middle of the page; otherwise, it will appear in the main navigation bar.

2. Title and Credentials for a Private Shopify App

To install a Shopify private app development company, you must first generate the necessary credentials from the Shopify admin of the live store you want to integrate your app with.

The name of your private app may be specified in the App details section. Since the app is only available in your store, you may give it whatever name you choose in the "private" category. Shopify's App Maker lets you build custom apps for your own business.

3. Connect to Shopify's Admin API

Access controls for your Shopify private app development services may be configured in the Admin API settings. Consider the case when you need analytics available inside your private app. Simply locate Analytics at the end of the permissions list and toggle the No access to Read access setting.

4. Authorization for the Storefront API

Select Allow this app to access your storefront data via the Storefront API if you want your private app to access the storefront API. Then, you may choose the information from the store you wish to send to the program.

The capabilities to Read items and collections, Read customers, Read checkouts, and Read blogs and articles are all turned on by default.

Now, remember that the public may see any changes your private makes to your shop. Use caution while interacting with the storefront API for Shopify private app development services.

Script-tag API is another method through which customers may interact with your online shop. Instead of using the standard Shopify API, you should use the script tag API before releasing your app.

Shopify will create an API and private keys once you save the app. Consider these login details to be the password for the Shopify app. Get started making Shopify Private Apps for your test shop right now.


Private applications are only available to merchants who have been granted the app's unique install link and are not available in the Shopify App Store. This means you can decide exactly who may use your software.

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