Inventory Tracker: The Ultimate Tool For Your Online Business

Inventory Tracker: The Ultimate Tool For Your Online Business
6 min read
12 September 2022

Running an online business is a lot of work, especially if you have multiple locations. With the help of Inventory Tracker, you can streamline the process and make it easier on yourself and your employees. Read through this blog article to find out how an inventory tracker can make your life much easier!

What is an inventory tracker?

An inventory tracker is a software program that helps businesses keep track of the items they have in stock, and how much of each item is left. This information can be used to make decisions about what to produce, and how much to order from suppliers. 

Inventory tracking can also help businesses avoid stock-outs, and keep track of their inventory levels so that they can identify any trends.

How to choose the right inventory tracker for your business

Inventory tracking is an essential part of any business, and there are a variety of inventory trackers to choose from. Here's a guide to help you choose the right one for your business: 

  1. What purpose will the inventory tracker serve? The first question to ask is what the inventory tracker will be used for. 

If it's simply to track stock levels, a simple spreadsheet or database can suffice. If, however, you're looking to analyse sales data or make informed decisions about product allocation, you'll need a more sophisticated inventory tracker. There are many different types of inventory trackers available, so it's important to decide what you need the tracker to do before selecting one. 

  1. What kind of data will the tracker collect? The second question to ask is what type of data you want the tracker to collect. Some trackers allow you to enter details such as item name, description and price per unit. 

Others require that you input purchase orders or invoices in order to generate accurate data. It's important to decide how much detail you want included in your inventory records before selecting a tracker. 

Pros and Cons of different inventory trackers

When it comes to keeping track of your inventory, there are a few different options available to you. Each has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business. Here are four of the most popular inventory trackers: 

  1. Shopify: Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that lets you manage your entire shop from a single platform. It has an easy-to-use interface and is free to use. One downside is that it doesn’t have as many features as some of the other platforms, so if you need more powerful tracking abilities, you may want to look elsewhere. 
  2. Google Sheets: Google Sheets is a great option if you want something simple but powerful. You can create basic reports and charts, but it doesn’t have as many features as some of the other options. It’s free to use, though, and most people say it’s easy to learn how to use. 

Key Benefits of Inventory Trackers

When it comes to managing your business’s inventory, there are a plethora of options available. From manual methods to online tools, which one is right for you? Here are three key benefits to tracking inventory with an online tool: 1. SolutionDot: Inventory trackers are simple to use and can be accessed from any device. This means you can keep track of your inventory no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

Syntax of different metadata in digital goods

Inventory Tracker is the ultimate tool for your online business. It allows you to keep track of all your inventory in one place, so you can make better decisions about what to stock and when to restock. Here's a breakdown of the different metadata that Inventory Tracker supports: - Product Name: The name of the product, as it appears on the inventory screen. 

- SKU: The unique identifier for the product. This can be anything you want, but it's important to have a unique identifier for each product so you can keep track of which products are selling and which ones aren't. - Category: The category into which the product falls. For example, if you sell clothes, your categories might be "Shirts" or "Jeans". - Stock Level: The current stock level of the product. 

This will always be 1 unless you've specified otherwise. - Available for Purchase: A flag indicating whether or not this product is currently available for purchase. This will always be true unless you've specified otherwise. - Price (USD): The current price of the product in US dollars. This will always be accurate unless you've specified otherwise. - Price (E

How to import an inventory template with metadata in Excel

If you're like most small business owners, you probably rely on a spreadsheet to track your inventory. But what if you want to use a template to streamline your inventory management? There's no need to spend money on software that doesn't offer the features you need - Excel has everything you need to import an inventory template with metadata. 

To get started, open up Excel and create a new worksheet. Make sure the sheet is wide enough to fit all of your data, and then click the "Data" tab in the ribbon. Under "File," select "Make a copy." In the dialog box that appears, choose "Sheet names." Name the new sheet "Inventory Tracker" and click OK. Now that we have our sheet set up, we'll start importing our inventory template. 

To do this, first download the template file from the web or from a saved file on your computer. Next, open up the inventory template in Excel. You'll see six columns in the template - ID number, item name, unit price, quantity on hand, current stock level, and desired stock level.

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