Is Golden Week The Best time to visit Japan?

Is Golden Week The Best time to visit Japan?
5 min read

Greetings from Golden Week, one of the most thrilling periods of the year! The week-long celebration, which falls between late April and early May, is when Japan comes alive with celebrations. It's debatably the case for some. However, the Golden Week period may be both exciting and intimidating for first-timers. With the help of this guide, you should be able to completely enjoy and anticipate what to expect.

Golden Week: What Is It?

Four national holidays are combined into one major weeklong celebration in Japan called "Golden Week": Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day, and Children's Day. Every year, between April 29 and May 5, people observe these holidays. It is common for them to take time off from work and school to celebrate and explore the nation.

What can one anticipate from Japan's Golden Week?

First of all, get ready for big crowds! One of the busiest times of the year is during the Golden Week holiday in Japan, when many people take the opportunity to travel and relax. Accordingly, it is possible for, and even to be congested. However, don't let it get you down; the excitement and vibrant ambiance of the festivities more than make up for it. Secondly, schedule your hand in advance. In Japan, Golden Week is such a well-liked travel time that reservations fill up quickly for many hotels. Similarly, travel may be congested around this time, so purchase your tickets in advance for buses and bullet trains! Thirdly, design a well-organised schedule. It can be difficult to choose where to go and what to see during Golden Week in Japan because there are so many festivals, parades, and events happening all throughout the nation. To make sure you don't miss out on any sights that are a must-see, take the time to prepare and arrange your schedule in advance. Ultimately, immerse oneself in the culture to really embrace the Golden Week Japan holiday atmosphere. Whether you want to take in the stunning scenery, attend a traditional event, or savour the regional food, there is so much to do at this time. So, make the most of this chance to discover and learn about everything that this amazing festival has to offer.

What should you bring with you to Japan for Golden Week?

In addition to the necessary documents for travel, such as your passport and visa, remember to pack cosy walking shoes. You'll be walking a lot because a lot of celebrations are held outside. Don't forget to pack a rucksack to hold your hat, sunscreen and refillable water bottles. During the day, it may grow hot, and you don't want to become dehydrated or scorched. Finally, keep cash on hand because not all businesses will take credit cards. You should generally travel light because you'll be moving around a lot and don't want your bulky bags to get in the way. You should thus include a few outfit changes that you can wear in different combinations when packing for Golden Week in Japan. Showing respect for their culture means avoiding provocative or exposing apparel.

What are the best things to do in Japan during the Golden Week holiday?

  • While there are many things to do in Japan, exploring the country on foot is the best way to fully enjoy Golden Week. These are a few of the most well-liked pastimes:
  • Visit shrines and temples: Seeing traditional Japanese culture in action would be a wonderful experience, as many of the most well-known Japanese shrines and temples host special events and rituals.
  • Enjoy the cherry blossoms while you still have the chance. Even though the renowned people of Japan will not be in full bloom during Golden Week, you could still be able to see them in Hokkaido! Enjoy the breathtaking surroundings by taking a stroll around one of the numerous parks or gardens in the area!
  • Attend a matsuri: Throughout Golden Week in Japan, a variety of traditional celebrations known as matsuri are held. For instance, the Sanja Matsuri features vibrant parades, traditional musicians and dancers, and food booths selling regional specialties.
  • Visit an amusement park: If you're searching for something lighter to do during the Japan Golden Week holiday, you can spend the day at amusement parks such as.
  • Golden Week may also be a busy time, so sometimes the best thing to do is to just unwind and rest at a hot spring resort or onsen.

In conclusion, Golden Week is an excellent opportunity to travel to Japan and take in the country's diverse customs and culture. There is something for everyone to do during this festive season, from visiting temples and shrines to going to a matsuri. Just keep in mind to wear comfy clothes, carry light, and be ready for crowds. Above all, remember to have fun!

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