Kashmir Great Lakes - Heaven in the Kashmir

Kashmir Great Lakes - Heaven in the Kashmir
1 min read

Little throughout this season’s month. As we walk on, the fields change from yellow to golden. After the grazing season, shepherds and Bakkarwals bring their animals back to their base. We believe that between  June and earl September, the best time to travel the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek Trail is from semi to late August.

Moisture and monsoon on the KGL climb from June to September: An observation

In reality, Kashmir receives little to no “monsoon wind” at all. Most of the region’s yearly precipitation comes from northwestern disturbances, with less coming from the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). In our post about the greatest monsoon hikes in India, you’ll learn more about monsoon patterns and rain. However, take aware that rain does fall during the potential season from June to September. A new study demonstrates that today’s rainfall has grown and become rather erratic. Additionally, climate change is a factor in this. An analysis of precipitation since 1980 year-by-year is displayed in the following graph.

Therefore, be ready for possible rain throughout your hike. Usually, evening rains last for one to two hours and are typical on highlands. Rarely, you might experience all-day heavy to torrential rain all-day. You ought to be fine on the route as long as you have your wet apparel (raincoat or umbrella) with you.

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