Key Questions to Ask your renovation builders Before Starting

5 min read

Renovating your home is an exciting experience, but it can also be a stressful one. There are many things to consider and questions to ask before you begin the renovation, including how much it will cost, how long it will take and who will do the work. 

The better you understand these details before you start the renovations project, the more likely you'll be happy with the results in the end. Here are some of those key questions:

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What is your experience in home renovations?

The first question to ask your builder is "What is your experience in home renovations?" The answer will tell you a lot about how competent and trustworthy they are, so it's important to ask this up front.

You should also ask how long the renovations company has been in business, as well as how many projects they've completed. A builder who has been around for years will likely have more experience than one who just started out last week! 

In addition, find out what kind of projects they've done recently--if they've worked on houses similar to yours or even houses that look exactly like yours then it means you're probably in good hands!

Do you have a portfolio of past projects?

As a general rule, you should always ask to see examples of previous work. If they don't have any, ask if they can find some. If they do have examples, ask what they like about them and how it would apply to your project.

If you like the way the renovations builders approached their past projects and are confident that they would approach yours in a similar fashion, then this is a good sign that things will go well moving forward.

                                                       Key Questions to Ask your renovation builders Before Starting

What is the estimated timeline for the renovation?

Now that you've got a rough idea of what your renovation will look like, it's time to ask some more questions.

The first one is: how long will this take? This is an especially important question because there are many factors that can affect the timeline of your renovations. For example, if you have a permit issue or something else delays construction, then it could be weeks or even months before your project gets back on track. Make sure they give you an accurate estimate so as not to waste time waiting around for them!

Another thing worth asking about is whether or not there will be delays in getting materials or workmen for your project. You don't want any surprises when it comes down to crunch time!

What permits and licenses are required? 

If you are building a new home, it's a good idea to get your builder to apply for any permits and licenses that are required. This will allow them to start work on your project as soon as possible and avoid delays later down the line. 

If they don't do this before starting construction, then there's no way around it: You'll have to make an appointment with the municipality yourself (or hire someone else) in order to complete this step.

In addition, if they plan on doing any electrical work or plumbing work themselves (instead of hiring an electrician or plumber), then they'll need their own license before starting those projects too!

How will you handle unexpected challenges?

The next question to ask your renovation builder is, "How will you handle unexpected challenges?" This is an important question because not every job goes according to plan. There are always going to be problems that arise during a project, like delays in deliveries or unforeseen structural issues in the home.

It's important for you and your builder to work together so that these issues can be resolved without affecting your timeline and budget. 

When asking this question, make sure that their response includes how they plan on addressing any problems that may occur during construction so there aren't any surprises down the road when it comes time for them to pay attention again


I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to select the right renovations builder for your project. Remember that it's important to find someone who's experienced in what they do and can give you an idea of how long it will take before starting work on your home or business. 

Also keep in mind that unexpected challenges are a part of any renovation project so make sure that whoever you choose has experience dealing with them!


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