Learn Fundraising Strategies with Metasoft | Grant Seekers

4 min read

Metasoft Systems provides a series of webinars on a variety of topics to assist you in meeting new fundraising problems. You can learn everything you desire.

Creating a Strong Case for Support

A detailed explanation of the argument for support, as well as all of the tools required to build a compelling case. A non-profit organization's most significant fundraising tool is the case for funding. It serves as the foundation for all fundraising strategies and initiatives (individual, charity, government, and corporate). This webinar will demonstrate how to establish a case from beginning, use it to find prospective donors and create attractive fundraising materials and appeals, and improve it to better adapt to the current (and very competitive) philanthropy market.

Increase Foundation Grants by Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Your Programmes

A comprehensive talk on how to unlock the value of your organisation and its programmes and demonstrate it to foundations. Foundations assess non-profit organisations based on their performance and the effectiveness of their programmes (independent of size). Grant seekers must define their programmes in a way that emphasises their social impact, measurable outcomes, and how they use grant monies to effect change.

This webinar will assist participants in recognising the importance of their work and distinguishing themselves from other comparable organisations, enhancing their chances of getting foundation funds. We'll also show you how to position your organisation with donors, convert stakeholders into champions, and build bridges to foundations using your own network of contacts.

Grant Writing Success Secrets

The essential components of creating effective grant proposals and letters of inquiry. Non-profit organisations must produce professional, impactful, and detailed paperwork to be successful at foundation fundraising. It is also critical to understand what foundations look for and anticipate in these resources. This webinar will teach you how to write effective fundraising letters of inquiry and grant submissions.

What Foundations Want: Insider Information on Grantmakers

Greg will speak, followed by an interview with Metasoft's Senior Consultant, Shadi Mogadime, and an open question and answer time for webinar attendees. You'll gain access to insider information that you can utilise right away to enhance the amount of money you raise from foundations.

Secrets to Getting Your Board to Participate in Fundraising

The webinar aims to equip participants with the necessary tools to engage their board members in fundraising efforts, particularly in approaching foundations and corporations for financial support. Oftentimes, board members may feel hesitant or uneasy about leveraging their personal and professional networks for fundraising, despite the crucial role that donor funding plays in the organization's operations. Through the webinar, participants will learn how to identify, cultivate, and maintain relationships with their board members, thereby increasing the chances of securing the necessary funds to deliver essential programs.

Develop Relationships with Funders to Get More Grants

It is possible to develop a relationship with a funder even without having personal contacts initially. In an upcoming report, the most effective and ineffective ways of approaching funder representatives will be detailed. In general, it's important to conduct research and target funders whose mission and funding priorities align with your own. After identifying potential funders, you can introduce yourself and express interest in their work through various communication channels. To build a strong relationship, it's important to add value for the funder by sharing updates and offering feedback on relevant issues. Demonstrating a shared commitment to the same mission can be helpful.

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