Let's Roll! Jiu Jitsu Combat Training Deck!

Let's Roll! Jiu Jitsu Combat Training Deck!
3 min read


Dear (Techplanet Readers)

With pleasure, I introduce the original and only Let’s Roll! Jiu-Jitsu Combat Training Deck to you. Through this platform we wish to present and facilitate this thrilling new combat card game based on the amazing art of Jiu Jitsu and Judo. Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art and combat sport based on ground fighting (ne-waza) and submission holds.  It focuses on the skill of taking an opponent to the ground, controlling one’s opponent, gaining a dominant position, and using a number of techniques to force them into a submission via joint locks or chokeholds.  This hands on training was halted due to Covid-19 quarantines and mandates, as a result this unique Jiu Jitsu combat training game was created and is ready to be played by everyone! 

The Let’s Roll! Jiu Jitsu Combat Training Deck is a unique card game designed with multi purposes in mind among which are: as a study guide to train and learn Jiu Jitsu, as a critical thinking tool to enhance problem solving and lateral thinking, and as an amazing and fun combat card game.

I write this letter to promote this new game and invite you to have a taste of it. I equally want to seize this opportunity to solicit your financial support to uphold the viability, entertainment, and exciting dimension of the Let's Roll! Jiu-Jitsu Combat Training Deck. Your donation will go a long way to publicize the initiation and the existence of the Let’s Roll! Jiu-Jitsu Combat Training Deck. This unique card game presents an amazing opportunity to partake in the art of Jiu Jitsu no matter where you are or how young or old.  Those into Jiu Jitsu MMA or martial arts will love it, those into card games and games of intellect will love it, those into art and creative characters will love it. It truly is a game for everyone!

The financial target for this project is 200k and 2,500 supporters. I also request every lover of this game to assist in publicizing it to other game lovers. 

To make your donation, you can make use of our fundraising platform with the Call To Action Below or email: info@letsrollbjj.store.


You Can Also Visit https:/www.kickstarter.com/projects/2010125710/lets-roll-jiu-jitsu-combat-training-deck


I will be looking forward to receiving a favorable response from you.


Thank you for your anticipated financial support.


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Andrew paul 150
Andrew paul is a seasoned content strategist and freelance writer with over a decade of experience in the digital marketing industry.
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