Even though I have completed reading many Life of pi movie review, it doesn’t imply I understand all that happened. On the contrary, I’m completely befuddled; what’s the takeaway here? What message does the writer want to convey to the audience? Confusion even worsen when I read Life of Pi movie review. There was a promise at the opening of the book that if you read it, you will have a newfound faith in God.
This book, then, set out to say something about religion. The first thing that struck me was how incredible it was that a youngster was able to live on the water. With his mind getting rag dolled as to whether or not his narrative was genuine. I just got a peek of how much better things can be if we put in the effort, along with the necessary strong willingness. Yes, but what about “the tale” that people really want to read?
To sort things out, I went and saw the film adaptation of this novel. Based on best-selling book, the film follows the titular man as he spends over two hundred days at sea in a lifeboat with an adult Bengal tiger, ironically called Richard Parker.
Relation between Pi and Richard Parker was confusing
The tiger, a technological accomplishment, is never anthropomorphized, remaining a fearsome predator who may still learn to survive with humans. Pi and his unusual buddy have a convoluted relationship that evolves slowly, perhaps silently, from fear and competitiveness to respect, recognition, and maybe even (at least on Pi’s end) empathy and affection. Pi assures himself that even if Richard Parker “can’t be tamed,” he can still be trained if God wills it.
The trials the protagonist faces at sea teach valuable lessons about creativity, flexibility, and perseverance. He constructs a raft, contends with diminishing water and food supplies, and fights to keep his optimism, sanity, and appendages intact. These moments try to be realistic, but it’s the other, more fantastic ones that really sell the picture.
Special effects were breathtaking
The surreal imagery in Life of Pi will linger in your mind long after the tale has been forgotten. Single isolated shots biggest opportunities of eerie, tormenting poetry: the ship’s lights fading into inky blackness as it devolves into the chasm of the sea. An astonishingly acrobatic, enormous, phosphorescent whale soaring up to the sky in the night; glowing brightly fish lighting the black waters luminous than that of the stars above; the yacht gliding over the still. Level surface that also reflects the peach-golden sky like crystal. Topped a floating island For a novel that had been judged unfilmable. Lee does an excellent job, making it difficult to fathom this captivating narrative presented in any media other than film.
Great graphics but not close to reality
Despite the Life of Pi’s artificiality in the form of special graphics and digital grandeur, as per my life of pi movie review, it rejoices in the beautiful, moving vision of nature. Lee rejects to use his scientific, three-dimensional potential as a gimmick. Things do not lurch and lunge towards the camera; instead, the filmmaker opts for an almost classical calm, seamless cuts. Relatively lengthy takes that anchor the picture and allow us to appreciate its striking, elegant compositions.
At one point, God’s existence is implied to be the core narrative conveyed through Pi’s struggle. But I’m not certain how well that has been portrayed. Although vibrant and inventive, Life of Pi fails to deliver on its many lofty goals. The film aspires to greatness but falls short in execution of its main narrative.
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