Make Your Home a Pet-friendly Zone

Make Your Home a Pet-friendly Zone
4 min read
15 November 2022

Making your home pet-friendly doesn’t have to be difficult – or expensive. There are a few simple changes you can make to create a comfortable and safe space for your furry (or not so furry) friend.

Doing the following things can ensure that your pet will have everything they need to feel right at home.

Choose Furniture with the Right Upholstery
When choosing upholstery for your home, it is important to consider the needs of your pets. Pets can be hard on furniture, so you'll want to choose materials that are durable and easy to clean.

Pet-friendly upholstery options include leather, microfiber, and vinyl. These materials are all easy to wipe down and clean, and they won't break easily if your pet scratches or bumps into them.

Of course, you'll also want to choose upholstery that fits your personal style and complements the rest of your home décor. You can buy a white linen couch slip cover for special days, but you can also find similar pet-friendly upholstery that you'll love.

Check Your Flooring Material
One of the most important things to consider when making your home pet-friendly is your flooring. If you have hardwood floors, be sure to place mats or rugs in areas where your pet spends the most time. These will prevent slipping and keep your pet’s nails from scratching the floors.

Choose ceramic tiles or other non-porous materials that would be highly-resistant to dirt and easy to clean. If you have carpet, be sure to vacuum regularly to remove any pet hair or dander.

Place your pet’s food and water bowls in a spot that is easily accessible and away from any areas where there is a lot of foot traffic. This will help prevent your pet from getting stepped on or having their food and water knocked over.

Hide Electrical Cables
Pet owners love their furry friends but sometimes they can be a little too curious for their own good. One way to keep your pet safe is to hide away all electrical cables. This will prevent them from chewing on the cables and potentially getting electrocuted.

Here are a few tips on how to hide electrical cables:

  • Cord covers
    Cord covers are an easy and effective way to hide electrical cables. You can find them at your local hardware store or online.

  • Use furniture
    Another way to hide electrical cables is to use furniture to create a barrier. For example, you can run the cables along the back of a couch or underneath a rug.

  • Use cable ties
    Cable ties are a simple and inexpensive way to bundle and hide electrical cables. Just make sure to use pet-safe ties that

Install Room Blockades
Sometimes you need to keep your pets away from harm. One way to do this is to install pet blockades in your home. Pet blockades are devices that prevent pets from entering rooms or areas that could be dangerous for them.

This could include the kitchen, the laundry room, or even the living room when you’ve just placed a white linen couch slip cover for that special event. Installing pet blockades is a simple and effective way to keep your pets away from areas you don’t want them to enter.

Building a home where you and your pets can relax and play together can be difficult. But doing these things can make it a place of comfort and ease, not just for your pet but also for you and your family. You can make sure your pets can spend time with you in the same place that you love and feel safe in.

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Megan Magana 0
Joined: 1 year ago
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