Margaret Campbell, CEO of Harper Literary

Margaret Campbell, CEO of Harper Literary
3 min read
10 January 2022

Margaret Campbell is the founder and CEO of Harper Literary, a publishing company that has assisted authors in getting their work in front of prospective investors. After working as an editor for a number of years, Margaret decided to start her own publishing company. Some of Margaret's previous experience includes overseeing the production and acquisitions for some of the most well-known authors in recent history, including Margaret Atwood.


Harper Literary publishes both new and established writers with a wide range of backgrounds from all over the world. While Margaret has achieved success through the publication of books, she also has done so through the assistance of other businesses in growing their online sales through digital marketing services, which has resulted in millions of dollars in revenue for them.


A publishing house with a long and illustrious history of supporting authors and their work. Margaret knows from personal experience how critical it is for any writer wishing to be successful in today's competitive market to have a long-term strategy in place before beginning work. Harper has a long-standing reputation that speaks for itself.. Margaret actively seeks out and recognizes talent and potential in situations where others might overlook it.


The Harper Literary, in addition to being a well-established and respected publisher with an international reach, provides a variety of services, such as manuscript evaluation and feedback from industry professionals who are experts in the field. Authors who submit their work to Harper Literary will have a better chance of being considered by reputable investors in the publishing industry, according to Margaret Campbell.


When Margaret's father passed away on January 15, 1978, she was left with only a $5 inheritance, which began her journey to self-discovery. Margaret went on to become a highly successful businesswoman in her own right. Regardless of the circumstances, Margaret was determined to make good use of this money, and she made the decision to invest it in a business venture of her own. Using what she was most familiar with, books, was what Margaret desired to do! Her aspiration was straightforward: "to publish excellent literature," she stated.


Due to her unique ability to identify and collaborate with authors who have previously gone unnoticed by other publishers, Margaret has now gained a significant amount of influence over the entire publishing industry. Given her own experience as a published author, Margaret understands how important it is for authors to feel respected and appreciated. As a result, she strives to make Harper Literary as accommodating as possible for authors submitting work across all genres. Moreover, Margaret is aware that there are many talented authors out there who may be unaware of where or how they should begin submitting their work in the hope of one day being published by a publishing company.

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Andrew paul 150
Andrew paul is a seasoned content strategist and freelance writer with over a decade of experience in the digital marketing industry.
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