Mastering SEO In 2023: 5 Unconventional Tricks That Work

5 min read

SEO is a constantly-evolving world, and it's hard to keep up. So much information has been written about SEO that you can find yourself buried in a mountain of blog posts and keyword research reports for days on end trying to figure out what works best for your site. With the help of right Montreal SEO Agency, you can get access to top SEO tricks that works. 

But here we have the good news for you? We've done the heavy lifting for you! Below are some unconventional strategies that might not be as obvious as they first appear but are actually highly effective when implemented correctly:

Content Optimization Techniques

Content optimization is important for SEO. It's a process of improving the quality of content so that it can be more easily found on search engines, and thus increase your website traffic.

Content optimization can be done in many different ways, but one thing that all forms of content optimization have in common is an emphasis on creating useful information that solves problems for people who are looking for it. Some examples include:

  • Adding relevant keywords to titles and headers
  • Creating an appropriate page structure (e.g., one page per product)

If you want help for content optimization, you can contact Montreal SEO Agency who have expert writers and SEO experts to implement this trick.

                                                                Mastering SEO In 2023: 5 Unconventional Tricks That Work

Optimize internal linking

The first thing you should do when optimizing internal linking is to use the keywords in your anchors, URL and content. This can be done using a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush, which will give you an idea of what pages are getting links from where and how much traffic they're driving.

If there are no links going to any of these pages yet, then it's time for you put some work into getting some backlinks! To do this without breaking Google's rules on link building (which we'll talk about later) requires some creativity:

Utilize social shares and signals

Social media is the best way to get traffic to your website. It's also a great way to build relationships and share content with influencers who have large followings on social media.

If you want more people visiting your site, then use social media as an avenue for sharing content that resonates with people. 

If someone reads something interesting on Twitter or Facebook and clicks through to read more, they're more likely than not going to stick around because they feel like they know what they're getting into (and don't want their time wasted).

Monitor Website Performance

Monitoring website performance is an important part of SEO. Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website's performance, which can help you identify areas of improvement and measure the impact of your SEO efforts.

Google Analytics will show you how many people are visiting your site and where they're coming from, as well as how long they stay there (and if they leave). 

This data will also reveal things like which keywords people search for before landing on your page, so it can help guide future content creation decisions or even determine whether or not certain pages should be deleted altogether.

Optimizing images with alt tags

Alt tags are used by screen readers to describe images. They're also a handy way to increase the number of keywords in your content, since Google often counts alt tags as words in its ranking algorithm.

Alt tags should be unique for each image and should be descriptive and concise (less than 70 characters). If you've got an image with multiple elements that need describing, consider using multiple alt texts instead of one long one with lots of information crammed into it.


I hope the tips in this article have been helpful, and that they will inspire you to try something new. Remember that SEO is ever-changing and evolving, so don't be afraid to experiment with new tactics when old ones stop working! To get more information, please feel free to contact Montreal SEO Agency today!


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Mark Wood 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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