Most Popular Expertise in Sex Addiction

4 min read

The addiction to sexual activity is serious illness. It requires psychological and medical treatment by experts trained in this area. Treatment involves one-on-one therapy with specialists in sexual addiction or group therapy like the participation in a 12-step recovery program, and occasionally psychosis.

Many addicts need the combination of these therapies to fully recover with the help of Intimacy blog. If you're worried that a family member or friend member is struggling with addiction to sexual substances it is possible to learn about it from prominent experts on the subject. Knowing about the issue and its consequences can provide you with the information to seek your family member or friend help , or at least , know what they might be suffering from.

Most Popular Expertise in Sex Addiction

Drew Pinsky, M.D. Dr. Drew, also known as "Dr. Drew" is an expert in the subject of sex addiction. He hosts a program on the television channel known as "Sex Recovery with Dr. Drew."  Pinsky is board certified in addiction and internal medicine. The Lifechangers website is an excellent source for anyone struggling with unintentional sexual behaviors, since it provides the details of shows that have not yet aired. The ability to read about the experiences that others have had to endure is a great way to understand the sexual addiction.

Mavis Humes Baird an acclaimed sex addiction counselor and certified expert in multiple addictions. Baird addresses the individual issue in conjunction with family trauma and issues. Her website RecoverySense has a wide array of information on this issue. Anyone who is concerned that a relative or friend might be struggling with sex addiction may gain a lot of knowledge from the articles on this site. Some of the topics available on her site include "ABCs: Identifying the Signs of Addiction" and "Recovery-Sense: Identifying the Real issues." Baird has been featured in the NY New York Times Blogs, The New York Times, Blog for CHS Los Angeles, CBS News Webcasts and Blogs as well as The Healthy New Yorkers Blog.

Patrick Carnes, PhD, CAS is a well-known expert on sexual addiction as well as recovery concerns. He is the author of Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction, In the Shadows of the Net and a host of other publications and articles on the subject. The current position is Executive Director of the Gentle Path, a program of Pine Grove Behavioral Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. His website contains videos, information and resources to those who are struggling or treating people and families who struggle with this problem.

This is only a short list of professionals who are specialists in this field. When choosing the ideal therapy provider, it is crucial to consider the specific needs of each addict. For instance, a person who is struggling with multiple addictions might want to consult experts in multiple addictions like the Dr. Baird. While there is a lot that is learned by the most well-known specialists, there's a lot of less well-known experts and therapists that have the expertise to assist to recover.

As the condition grows more commonplace and more and more people accept their issue and seek help as they do, more and more "experts" are on hand to assist on the path to recovery.

Anyone struggling with a sexual addiction might wish to consult a professional psychotherapist. There are a variety of Internet websites that can connect you to a counselor near you.

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