Motivational Proverbs on the Power of Hard Work

Motivational Proverbs on the Power of Hard Work
5 min read

It’s not easy to stay motivated when you’re working on a task that isn’t all that exciting and doesn’t seem to have an end in sight. Whether you’re trying to get your business off the ground or you’re just trying to finish all of your assigned work, sometimes it can feel like the days drag on forever and it’s hard to keep going. While there are no guarantees that anything will ever get easier, these motivational proverbs will give you plenty of reminders about the importance of persisting through every single job and challenge that life throws your way.

Pursue your dreams

If you can dream it, then you can make it. Anything worth achieving requires us to work hard to achieve it. As we conquer each difficulty that arises in our journey towards success, more doors open up and greater opportunities are given to us. Use these motivational proverbs for human work as your daily reminder about how much passion and hard work you should put into attaining your goals!

Quality always over quantity

It's not how much we do, but how well we do it. Time is valuable; learning to focus our time in a way that allows us to excel at what we do is one of life’s most difficult tasks and requires tremendous self-discipline. We should always be striving to improve, whether we’re talking about our professional work or personal life. In all things, quality is better than quantity.

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you

If you’re not pushing yourself to grow and learn, you’re bound to stay exactly where you are. If something isn’t challenging you, it isn’t going to change your life—and that can mean it won’t help motivate and inspire your team either. As an entrepreneur, you have to be able to push others when they need it most; if you’re not willing to do so with yourself, no one else will be willing or able to do so for you.

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength

Eleanor Roosevelt. Don’t worry about what you don’t have but be happy for what you do have: David Wendell Smith. Working hard to make a living is important, but never neglect your family and friends when doing so: Dale Carnegie. The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to do, and then do it with all his might:

What gets measured gets managed.

If you want to excel at something, it’s important to be able to gauge your progress and performance. If you don’t measure what matters, you’re going to have a hard time managing it. Measure everything that has an impact on your success, from money earned (or lost) and calories burned all the way to time spent in front of a computer screen and steps walked with your phone or tracker.

Problems are inevitable, but misery is optional.

Just because you can’t see a way out of your problems doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep trying to find one. If nothing else, constantly working towards solutions can help prevent you from slipping into despair or, worse yet, depression. Be optimistic: Keep looking for answers and accept that things may take time to get better. Remember that misery is optional – choose to be happy despite your circumstances!


 Forgiveness is better than any other feeling.

Forgiveness is better than any other feeling. Holding onto grudges and resentment towards others will only make you more bitter, whereas letting go of those feelings will help you move on from your past experiences and become a happier, healthier person. It’s hard to take advantage of new opportunities when you’re weighed down by negative emotions. Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but it can have a tremendously positive impact on your life!

The human spirit is stronger than anything else.

Your spirit will always carry you through, but if you can start believing in yourself and your abilities, you’ll find that you can do things you never thought possible. The human spirit is stronger than anything else, and once it’s unleashed, there are no limits to what we can accomplish. Here are 8 motivational quotes from some of history’s greatest thinkers about power of hard work.

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