Netgear Nighthawk Extender Setup

Netgear Nighthawk Extender Setup
5 min read


If you want to do a Netgear Nighthawk Extender Setup in your home on your own, and you don't know how to set up Netgear Nighthawk  Extender . Then you’re on the best page . In this page you will come to know each and every information regarding the Netgear WIFI Extender setup .

The setup instructions for the extender will let you connect your WiFi booster to your wifi network or modem at home. You have excellent internet access across your entire home thanks to the wireless booster. It guarantees that all of your gadgets, including cell phones, iPods, gaming systems, and many more, may enjoy an uninterrupted internet connection.

Mywifiext Setup Via

  •  Your Wireless extender should first be turned on.
  • then launch an internet browser.
  • Click Go after entering in the address field.
  • Your browser will take you to the login page. If the username and password won't open or display problems, get in touch with our professionals right immediately, and the problem will be resolved in a short amount of time.
  • Once the login page appears, you must enter your password and username to proceed.
  • The Netgear interface is now apparent.
  • Firmware Update can be selected from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the Upload button after providing the address of the firmware version.
  • Give sufficient time for the firmware upgrading process to finish. Reboot your extender afterwards.
  • You've just finished updating the extender's firmware.

If you  have any problems connecting your Netgear Nighthawk extender, please feel free to contact us at or through a live chat with one of our professionals.

Login | Mywifiext extender 

On the site, you may create your private wifi router.

  • To finish the Mywifiext setup procedures, link your computer to the  Extender network.
  • Open any online browser and go to the mywifiext setup page, for example, Google Chrome.
  • Enter the web URL in the browser's address bar.
  • Enter into the address bar.
  • You must click the new extension setup button when it appears.
  • Visit the mywifiext setup page by creating an account right away and then clicking Continue.

Netgear Nighthawk Extender setup via Manual method

Manual Method  is also called web browser setup. To know  how to set up new extender manually follow the steps given below:

  • Firstly, switch on the New extender by attaching it to an electrical outlet .
  • Connect your router with your new extender.
  • Click the network manager and link to Netgear_EXT SSID.
  • Open any browser 
  • Access the mywifiext login page by default.
  • If you don't have an account then create an account on it
  • Tap next.
  • Now tap the finish button.

Netgear Nighthawk Extender Setup via WPS Method

WPS (WIFI PROTECTED SETUP) is the easiest way for the setup of the netgear wifi extender. Follow the instructions given below :

  • Firstly, power on  your extender.
  • Now press the WPS button  for some time.
  • After that  your LED light will turn green which shows that your router is connected with your extender properly.
  • Now repeat the  same procedure for the dual band range extender.
  • Here  use the same network password as your router's network.
  • For default username and password you can check the WIFI extender manual.
  • At last link your  wifi system to the extended Netgear_EXT SSID .

If you  have any problems connecting your Netgear Nighthawk extender, please feel free to contact us at or through a live chat with one of our professionals.

How can I sign up for a mywifiext account

To register for a mywifiext account, make sure the new extender is connected and turned on. The Netgear wifi booster must also be connected to your device.

Now, let's go over how to create a mywifiext account:

  • Enter your email address in the username area.
  • Password: Enter an alphanumeric password of at least 8 characters, or make one up.
  • RE-Enter Password - Enter the same password you just entered.
  • Choose a security code from the list and respond.
  • Choose a verification code from the list and answer it.


How to reset your Netgear Nighthawk Extender 

To reset the netgear Nighthawk extender   follow the instructions given below:

  • Switch on your extender , the LED lights will turn green in colour.
  • Now to stabilise LED lights  on your extender  , this will take at least 5 minutes Detect your extender's reset button.
  • Using an item of a similar size, press and hold the reset button for up to 10 seconds to cause the LED light to blink.
  • At least 5 minutes will pass while the LED lights on your extension are stabilising.

Now that your Netgear Nighthawk extender has been successfully reset.  and Mywifiext.local are the same words, so if you are still having issues, you may verify your default login IP address, call us at our toll-free number, or chat online with one of our specialists.


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