One of life's most thrilling - and daunting

One of life's most thrilling - and daunting
5 min read
16 December 2022

One of life's most thrilling - and daunting! - events are welcoming a new baby into your house. Both the infant and the parents will need time and practice to acclimate to their new routines and routine care during this time.

With these professional recommendations in hand, you may confidently welcome your new family member into the world while easing the most typical parenting worries.

Get Ready in Advance

Make sure you have a few things in order before you head to the hospital. Prepare for your baby's arrival by stocking up on essentials like diapers, wipes, and sleepwear. Together, you and your partner should stock up on frozen meals or enlist the help of friends and relatives to cook for you. Once the Newborn arrives, you and your partner will be too busy to prepare meals for yourselves. This newborn blog help how to treat a new baby.

Also, before the baby is delivered, you and the pediatrician should get to know one other. Come in for a prenatal checkup to meet the doctor, get a feel for the facility, and figure out if your parenting philosophies mesh with those of the clinic.

Infants' sleep durations might vary from 20 minutes to 3 hours; nonetheless, this is the norm rather than the exception. You should expect your newborn to sleep for up to 16 hours a day in the first month.

Babies often experience "jet lag," or an initial period of confusion between day and night. This is because babies are conditioned to nap during the day when their mom is active and to stay awake throughout the night when she is still.

Adjusting to the real world can be difficult for infants, but there are steps you can take to ease the process. Keep the blinds down throughout the day, but make sure there's lots of noise and activity around. Turn the lights down low, keep the noise level down, and put away any toys till morning.


Babies often only cry for two to four hours per day, while spending up to 16 of those hours asleep. Learning the significance of each cry takes practice and experimentation. Pay close attention to your baby's routine and write down or use an app to keep track of when you feed, change, and sleep them. Then, using elimination, you may determine what your infant need.

Keep in mind that your baby may be upset for causes other than hunger, exhaustion, or a full diaper. This includes being overstimulated, uncomfortable, or too hot or cold.

To Sustain Life Through Breastfeeding

Babies should be fed exclusively breast milk during the first six months of life, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. After that, you can offer purees and gradually reduce breastfeeding.

It's normal for the mom and infant to have some difficulty with this at first. In some cases, all it takes is a quick phone call to Valleywise Health's Breastfeeding Hotline or an email to a lactation consultant. For babies who don't thrive on breast milk alone, a formula is a wonderful option.


A bottle can be a nice treat for a nursing baby, but it's best to wait until the baby is well-established on breast milk. There's no need to wait to introduce the bottle if you plan on pumping or using formula.

No matter what you decide, you should aim to feed your baby eight to twelve times a day, or every two to three hours.

Introducing New Foods

Between the ages of four and six months, most newborns are ready to start eating pureed foods. Baby foods like oatmeal, vegetable purees, and fruit purees are pureed and therefore soft and easily digested.

During those initial months of breastfeeding, regular doctor visits are essential. They can be of great help while you're trying to breastfeed, bottle-feed, or introduce solid foods to your kid.


How often should your infant go number two? Observing the frequency and volume of diaper changes can provide insight into whether or not your newborn is receiving adequate nutrition. During the first few weeks, you may expect your baby to go through five to six diapers each day, or one after each feeding at the very least. The majority of these cases will disappear between now and three months from now. As long as they have a wet diaper once a week, though, there's no need to worry.


So newborn blog tells you that newborns need to shed some additional weight in order to make it through the first few days of life, it is common practice to have parents prepare for this loss. As long as your doctor keeps a close eye on your newborn's weight, it should stabilize around birth weight within two weeks. Then, for the first few months, they'll gain about a pound per day.


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