Amazon PPC Reports

Amazon PPC Reports
8 min read

Amazon PPC Reports is a great tool for Amazon sellers. It gives you access to all your sales data, allowing you to track the performance of each product and ad campaign.

Amazon PPC reports are essential for sellers to track their ad performance and make informed decisions about how to allocate their budget and all about amazon ppc services. By using Amazon PPC reporting, you can better understand which keywords are driving sales for your products, track the performance of individual campaigns, and monitor your competitors' ads.

Amazon PPC reports also help you understand how much it costs for every click on your ad. This will help you decide if it's worth continuing to bid on an ad or not.

The Amazon PPC reports show you:

-Your total spend vs. your net revenue over time (this will help you see if your campaign is profitable or not)

-The number of impressions that have been served over time (this helps you see if your products are getting enough exposure)

-The number of clicks that have been made over time (this helps you understand which keywords are drawing customers into your website)

The reports also allow you to see exactly how much money is being spent on each keyword. This allows you to make better decisions regarding the keywords that make sense for your campaign, and which ones should be removed or changed. You'll also be able to see how many people clicked on your ad but didn't purchase anything after visiting your site. This information is helpful because it shows you what needs improvement in order to increase sales on Amazon.

An Amazon Account Management can help you formulate these reports. They include:

Search Term Report

Search term reports are an essential tool for Amazon PPC management, as they give you a clear understanding of what terms customers are searching for on Amazon. You can use these reports to identify new keywords and improve your existing campaigns. They can also help you understand how much money you're losing by having poor ad copy or incorrect keywords in your ads.

You can check to see how many people are searching for your product, what terms they're using to search, and how many times they click on your listing. You can also use this data to create highly targeted ads that will be more likely to get clicked on by customers who are looking specifically for your product.

This report will also tell you what keywords people used when searching for your product, which pages they landed on, and the number of times each keyword was used. It also shows you how many times each keyword brought users to your product page and how many times it brought them elsewhere (to another product page or a non-product page).

Targeting Report

Amazon Targeting Report is a tool that allows you to see which keywords users search for on Amazon. You can use this report to learn about the most popular keywords people use when they look for products, as well as how many people are searching for those terms.

This is a great way to understand what your target audience is interested in and how they use Amazon. It also helps you identify trends, so that you can make sure your product descriptions and titles are optimized for the search terms that users are most likely to be searching for.

This report provides you with the insights you need to not only learn what your customers are searching for, but also where they're located, how they're behaving, and how they're using your products.

With this report, you can:

- Understand how customers are finding your products on Amazon

- See which keywords people are using to find your products

- See what competitors are doing well and what they may be doing poorly

- Learn about different ways that customers are interacting with your brand's product listings

Advertised Product Report

This report provides an overview of the advertised products that have been advertised in the past week. The data is based on information collected from a sample of users who have opted-in to share their advertising data with us.

The report includes a breakdown of the types of products being advertised by category and brand. It also includes information about the number of ads we saw from each brand, as well as how often those ads were seen. This report is about the advertised products of the leading brands in the food, beverage and household products industries. It's designed to help you compare the advertising strategies of these brands, as well as their approach to product placement, social media marketing and other forms of promotion.

Placement Report

Amazon placement report is a feature of Amazon Seller Central that allows you to see how your products are performing in the Amazon marketplace. The report shows you details about your top selling products, what’s selling well for your competitors, and which products are being viewed but not purchased. It also gives you data on how much revenue your product listings have generated over time, so that you can see how your sales are trending over time.

It also shows you how many times your product has been viewed and clicked by customers, along with the average customer rating. The report can be filtered by keyword or category, making it easy to find your products and see what other sellers are doing in your niche.

Purchased Product Report

The Amazon Purchased Product Report provides a list of all the products that customers have purchased after clicking one of your ads. This information can help you understand how different kinds of products perform and what kind of customer engagement they generate.

You can access this report by clicking the Reports tab in the main menu and then selecting Amazon Purchased Products under the Advertising Tools section. The report is organized by product category, with each category containing a detailed breakdown of purchases made by customers who clicked on your ads.

The report includes:

- When customers purchase their products.

- What products they bought in each purchase.

- The total amount that they spent on each product, including tax and shipping costs.

Performance over Time Report

Amazon Performance over Time Report is a great way to look at how your products have been performing over time, and help you identify trends in sales.

This report can be found by clicking on the Performance tab, then selecting "Over Time." Once you've clicked on Over Time, you'll see a graph that shows your item's sales over time. This report will show you the average number of units sold each day for the past 30 days, as well as the highest and lowest number of units sold in any given day.

This report can be helpful when making decisions about price adjustments or promotions. For example, if you notice an increase in sales after implementing a promotion or price adjustment, this would be an indication that more people want to buy your product when it's on sale—so you could consider keeping prices low permanently!


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