Overbite Surgery in Charleston: Is It Worth It?

An overbite, also known as a deep bite or class II malocclusion, is a common dental issue where the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively. While many people live with a mild overbite without significant problems, more severe overbites can lead to dental, functional, and aesthetic concerns. 

Is jaw surgery worth it? - Quora

Understanding Overbites:

Before delving into the merits of overbite surgery, it's essential to understand the condition. Overbites can vary in severity, and they may be attributed to various factors, including genetics, childhood habits, and jaw development. Here are the common types of overbites:

  1. Skeletal Overbite: This type involves the structural positioning of the upper and lower jaws and typically requires surgical intervention.
  2. Dental Overbite: A dental overbite is related to the alignment of the teeth themselves and may be corrected through orthodontic treatments.
  3. Combination Overbite: Some individuals may have a combination of both skeletal and dental factors contributing to their overbite.

When Is Overbite Surgery Considered?

Overbite surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is typically recommended when an overbite is severe and significantly affects a person's:

  1. Oral Health: A severe overbite can lead to dental problems such as excessive wear on teeth, gum issues, and even temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
  2. Speech: Overbites may affect speech patterns and articulation.
  3. Facial Appearance: An overbite can influence facial aesthetics, leading to a "gummy smile" or a protruding lower jaw.
  4. Functional Issues: Difficulty in chewing and swallowing due to the overbite.
  5. Self-Esteem: A pronounced overbite may impact one's self-confidence and social interactions.

The Benefits of Overbite Surgery:

  1. Improved Aesthetics: Overbite surgery can enhance facial aesthetics, creating a more balanced and harmonious appearance.
  2. Enhanced Oral Function: Correcting a severe overbite can improve speech, chewing, and swallowing.
  3. Prevention of Dental Problems: Overbite surgery can prevent future dental issues by addressing the root cause of excessive tooth wear and gum problems.
  4. Alleviation of TMJ Symptoms: For some, overbite surgery can alleviate or prevent TMJ symptoms.
  5. Psychological Well-Being: Correcting an overbite can boost self-esteem and mental well-being by addressing aesthetic concerns.

What to Consider Before Overbite Surgery:

While the benefits are significant, there are essential factors to consider when contemplating overbite surgery:

  1. Surgical Risks: Like any surgery, orthognathic surgery carries inherent risks, including infection, nerve damage, and prolonged recovery.
  2. Treatment Duration: Overbite surgery involves pre-surgery orthodontic treatment, the surgery itself, and post-surgery orthodontic adjustments. The entire process may take several years.
  3. Cost: Overbite surgery can be costly, as it often involves both surgical and orthodontic treatments.
  4. Post-Surgery Care: The recovery period after surgery can be challenging, requiring a liquid or soft food diet for a while and diligent oral hygiene.
  5. Consultation: It's essential to consult with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specializes in orthognathic surgery to determine the suitability of surgery based on your specific condition.


The decision to undergo overbite surgery in Charleston, SC, should be made after careful consideration of the severity of the overbite, potential benefits, associated risks, and personal preferences. If your overbite is causing significant oral health issues, functional challenges, or affecting your self-esteem, overbite surgery may be a worthwhile option. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon to evaluate your unique situation and make an informed decision.

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