Overcoming Pilonidal Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

3 min read

Understanding Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal sinus is a common condition that affects the crease between the buttocks near the tailbone area. It occurs when hair punctures the skin and becomes embedded, leading to infection and abscess formation. Pilonidal sinus is more common in men than women and often occurs between puberty and age 40. While the exact cause is unknown, risk factors include obesity, repeated irritation, family history and excessive body hair. Thankfully, pilonidal sinus can be managed and treated through various methods. 

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of pilonidal sinus include pain, swelling and discharge in the affected area. There may also be a visible pit or cyst. Acute pilonidal abscesses cause severe localized pain, redness, fever and disability. Diagnosis is made through physical examination and sometimes imaging tests like MRI. Early intervention can help avoid complications like cellulitis, extensive tissue damage or sepsis. Jaslok Hospital Mumbai has excellent facilities and experienced surgeons to diagnose and treat this condition.

Treatment Options

Conservative treatment involves maintaining hygiene, removing hair, avoiding sitting pressure and using antibiotics for infection. Smaller cysts may be drained through incision and packing. For recurrent pilonidal sinus, definitive surgery is recommended to fully excise the tract and leave the wound open to heal. Various surgical techniques include excision with primary closure, lay open technique, cleft lift procedure and plastic surgery methods like rhomboid flap, Z-plasty or Bascom’s cleft lift operation.

Recovery and Lifestyle Changes

The postoperative recovery depends on the extent of surgery but usually takes 2-4 weeks. Sitting should be avoided during initial healing. Proper wound care and antibiotics reduce chances of infection. Rare complications include bleeding, delayed wound healing, wound breakdown, recurrence or chronic pilonidal disease. Lifestyle modifications to prevent recurrence include weight loss, frequent hair removal, avoiding prolonged sitting and improving hygiene.

In summary, pilonidal sinus is a common and recurrent condition that requires medical care. Early diagnosis and minimally invasive drainage can resolve small abscesses. However, severe or recurrent cases need definitive surgery to remove all sinus tracts and allow adequate healing. Jaslok Hospital Mumbai has state-of-the-art facilities and skilled surgeons to provide comprehensive treatment using advanced surgical techniques. A multidisciplinary approach with proper postoperative care results in good outcomes and low recurrence. Seeking timely medical advice for symptoms like pain or discharge near the tailbone is recommended to identify and manage pilonidal disease. With the right treatment, most patients with pilonidal sinus can achieve complete healing and prevent future flare-ups.

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Divya Sharma 2
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