Overcoming Withdrawal Symptoms with Quit Smoking Chewing Gums

Overcoming Withdrawal Symptoms with Quit Smoking Chewing Gums
3 min read

Have you decided to quit smoking? Congratulations, it is indeed a great decision! However, the journey is not going to be so easy. You may have made a firm decision not to smoke but your body and brain aren’t accustomed to it yet. That is why you are likely to feel uncomfortable and experience withdrawal symptoms. It may hurt you at times. But the good news is that quit smoking chewing gum can help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms effectively. Wondering how? Read on to find out the details. Let’s dive in!

Common Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Having Cravings to Smoke

For regular smokers, the urge to smoke is quite common when they decide to quit the habit. It can be mild at times but may even be overwhelming at other times. However, irrespective of how strong the desire is, you must find ways to deal with it to ensure optimum success. Taking a stop smoking chewing gum can be an ideal way to suppress the cravings and move closer to your goal.

  • Irritation and Restlessness

In most cases, smoking is a habit that has been a part of people’s lives for many years. That is why deciding to quit becomes challenging. During the first few days or even weeks, it is normal to feel restless, jumpy and irritated. 

  • Weight Gains

When you quit smoking, you may feel hungrier and your appetite is likely to increase. Owing to the stress of quitting, you may want to eat more than usual. Moreover, your body will not burn calories as fast as it did before. As a result, gaining weight is a common withdrawal symptom.

  • Feelings of Anxiousness and Depression

Many people believe that smoking helps them with anxiety and depression. However, it isn’t true! Even though it can relax your mind and body in the short-term, it is actually dangerous for health in the long run. 

If you have decided to break your habit of smoking, mood changes are common. You may feel anxious at one time while sad and depressed at the other moment. But make sure not to return to smoking. Instead, stay determined to accomplish the goal of quitting.

How long does the withdrawal symptoms last?

The duration of the withdrawal symptoms differs from person to person. While some people experience it for just a few weeks, others may have to deal with it for some months. The symptoms like cravings usually last for the first few days. However, irritability, restlessness, and depression can last for 2 to 4 weeks.

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms with Stop Smoking Gums

Dealing with the mood changes and the potential feelings may seem a lot to handle. However, relying on quit smoking chewing gum can make it easier. The gums help in lowering the cravings significantly and overcoming withdrawal symptoms successfully. Taking the stop smoking chewing gum for about 12 weeks can enable you to completely defeat the addiction of smoking and become free.

Are you ready to quit smoking? If yes, start using the stop smoking chewing gums and witness the positive change in your life. 

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Abhay Singh 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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