Physiotherapy Guides: What You Should Know About Hamstring Sprains

Physiotherapy Guides: What You Should Know About Hamstring Sprains
8 min read

Learn how to manage hamstring injuries and strains in ways that work best for you.

Physiotherapy is a highly effective hamstring strain treatment, incorporating personalized exercises to enhance flexibility and strength.

By incorporating physiotherapy and targeted exercises into the recovery process, individuals empower themselves to actively participate in their healing journey, promoting a quicker return to normalcy and preventing the recurrence of hamstring injuries.

Hamstring strains, commonly called pulled hamstrings, can significantly impact day-to-day activities, hindering mobility and causing discomfort. These injuries often result from overstretching or sudden movements, affecting the muscles at the back of the thigh.

Understanding the intensity of a hamstring strain allows individuals to make informed choices about their treatments. Several options are available, with physiotherapy emerging as one of the most effective plans.

Physiotherapists design personalized exercises to improve flexibility and strength and promote healing. Additionally, simple at-home exercises, such as gentle stretching and strengthening routines, can contribute to managing the condition.

With at-home exercises under the supervision of experts like Marrickville Physio, you can regain control of your lifestyle and reduce the intensity or frequency of hamstring injuries.

What is Hamstring Strain and Pulled Hamstring?

A hamstring injury involves damage to the muscles at the back of the thigh. It often results from sudden acceleration, deceleration, or overstretching during activities like running or jumping.

Factors such as inadequate warm-up, muscle imbalance, or insufficient flexibility can contribute to such a strain.

These injuries cause pain, ranging from mild strains to more severe tears, affecting mobility and daily activities.

Symptoms of Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring injuries manifest through symptoms like sharp pain in the back of the thigh, swelling, and tenderness.

Individuals may experience difficulty walking, bending the knee, or straightening the leg.

Muscle spasms and weakness are common, and in severe cases, bruising may appear. Hamstring injuries can range in severity from mild discomfort to debilitating pain, impacting daily activities and athletic performance.

Causes of Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring strains, or pulled hamstrings, often result from activities involving sudden bursts of speed, rapid acceleration, and overstretching the muscles without proper warm-up, all of which can lead to injuries.

Inadequate flexibility, muscle imbalances, and fatigue can also contribute. Sports that involve frequent sprinting, such as soccer or track events, pose a higher risk.

Diagnosing Hamstring Strains and Pulled Hamstrings

Diagnosing hamstring strains and injuries involves a thorough examination by an experienced physiotherapist, incorporating a patient's medical history and the onset of symptoms.

Imaging tests like MRI may be employed to assess the extent of muscle damage, while physical tests, such as strength and flexibility assessments, aid in determining the severity of the injury.

1.Physical Examination for Hamstring Strain

Physical examination for hamstring strains assesses the affected leg's motion range, strength, and flexibility.

It helps in identifying specific muscle involvement, determining the severity of the strain, and planning appropriate hamstring strain treatment interventions for effective recovery.

The physical examination has these processes:

The Initial Assessment

During the initial assessment, a medical professional will ask about the onset of symptoms and the patient's medical history during consultation.

Physical tests, including strength, flexibility, and range of motion assessments, help gauge the severity of the injury.

Palpation and observation may reveal swelling or bruising. Based on these observations, the doctor will suggest more tests to diagnose the condition accurately.

Range of Motion and Strength Tests

Range of motion and strength tests help evaluate the ability to flex and extend the knee and assess muscle strength, which helps determine the severity of the strain.

These tests involve careful observation and measuring the affected leg's movement and strength, providing valuable insights for accurate diagnosis and preparing an effective rehabilitation plan.

2.Imaging Tests For Hamstring Strain

Imaging tests help understand any damages to the tissues or muscles that are not visible on the initial assessment. They also show any injuries to the nerves, which can help in designing a more comprehensive treatment plan.

Here are a few imaging tests, you may have to take.


X-rays are not typically used for diagnosing hamstring injuries, as they primarily capture bone images.

However, in cases where a bone avulsion injury is suspected (where the tendon pulls a fragment of bone away), an X-ray may help identify fractures or avulsions.

This can also help understand any underlying bone issues in such cases.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is highly efficient in measuring hamstring injuries by providing detailed images of soft tissues.

It gives a detailed view of the muscles, thereby revealing the extent and location of the damage.

This aids healthcare professionals in precisely diagnosing the severity of hamstring strains and preparing required treatment plans.


Ultrasound diagnoses hamstring injuries by producing real-time images of soft tissues. It enables healthcare professionals to visualize muscle structure, identify tears or strains, and assess blood flow.

This non-invasive technique aids in determining the extent and location of damage, facilitating accurate diagnosis.

Treatment Options for Hamstring Strain

Pulled hamstrings can often be managed with physical therapy and treatment, depending on the condition and intensity of the strain.

Several hamstring strain treatment options reduce pain and help in the recovery process.

Immediate Care for Hamstring Strain

If you suspect a hamstring strain, it is vital to prevent further damage and care for it immediately. To ensure that the muscles are not strained, follow a few steps. Here are some immediate care suggestions.

1. Rest

Rest is crucial for hamstring injury recovery. Immediately after the injury, avoid activities that strain the hamstring.

Refrain from intense exercises to allow time for healing. Ice, compression, and elevation can also help decrease swelling of the affected muscles.

Consult a healthcare professional for direction on the applicable duration of rest and gradual return to normal activities.

2. Ice

Ice constricts blood vessels, helping reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Applying ice packs to the affected part for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours throughout the initial 48 hours can help minimize discomfort.

It's important to use a cloth or towel to shield the skin and avoid direct contact with the ice.

3. Compression

Compression helps limit swelling by preventing the accumulation of fluid. Compression sleeves or bandages are commonly used to provide consistent pressure. It's important to ensure proper compression without causing discomfort or restricting blood flow. 

Physical Therapy Techniques For Hamstring Strain

Physical therapy is an efficient treatment plan for Hamstring strains. It helps provide relief, aids healing, and can be done at home under guidance, which improves the scope of treatment. 

·  Gentle Stretching Techniques

Gentle stretching is integral to hamstring strain recovery. Begin with basic static stretches, like toe touches or seated stretches, holding each for 15-30 seconds.

Gradually progress to dynamic stretches, such as leg swings.

Avoid bouncing or overstretching to prevent further injury. Incorporating these gentle stretching techniques into a daily routine helps improve flexibility, alleviates muscle tightness, and supports the healing process for hamstring strains.

· Strengthening Exercises for Hamstring Recovery

Strengthening exercises like isometric contractions and gradually progressing to resistance exercises such as leg curls and bridges can help strengthen the core and hamstring. The exercise prevents further damage to the muscles, rebuilds strength and stability, and prevents future injuries.


Hamstring injuries occur when the muscles at the back of the thigh are stretched too much or torn due to sudden or forceful movements.

It can hinder the functional lifestyle of an individual, thereby limiting activities they can perform.

Athletes and active individuals who participate in physical activities are at risk of these injuries. To prevent hamstring injuries, warm up before athletic or very physical activities, maintain proper hydration, and focus on strengthening the hamstrings through targeted exercises.

Early diagnosis and proper treatment are important for a successful recovery.


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Umar Seo 2
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