Preparing for the Procedure of Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi

Preparing for the Procedure of Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi
3 min read


After the Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi at Royal Clinic , the follicles might be nourished with the aid of blood vessels and start growing hair in the region that formerly had skinny hair or balding.Your surgeon will then make a chain of tiny incisions with a needle or different small, sharp device in which the extracted follicles can be inserted.

Before the procedure, patients are advised to prepare both physically and mentally. This may involve following specific pre-operative instructions, such as avoiding certain medications and alcohol consumption. Mental preparation is equally important, as patients should have realistic expectations and a positive mindset.

The Procedure: What to Expect

The hair implant procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves several steps. First, hair follicles are harvested from the donor area, usually the back or sides of the scalp. These follicles are then meticulously transplanted into the recipient site, following the natural hair growth pattern.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

Following the procedure, patients are provided with detailed post-operative instructions to promote healing and minimize discomfort. This may include medication for pain management and instructions for washing and caring for the scalp. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and exposure to direct sunlight during the initial recovery period.

The Transformation: Witnessing Change

As the scalp heals and hair begins to grow, patients gradually witness the transformation brought about by hair implant restoration. While the initial results may be subtle, with patience and proper care, the newly transplanted hair will continue to thicken and blend seamlessly with existing hair.

Coping with Changes: Mental Health Considerations

Beyond physical transformation, the journey of hair implant restoration also involves addressing mental health considerations. Boosting self-esteem and confidence is essential for embracing change and living life to the fullest. Having a strong support system of family and friends can provide invaluable encouragement throughout the process.

Embracing Confidence: Living with Hair Implants

With restored hair and newfound confidence, individuals can embrace change and approach life with renewed optimism. Whether it's attending social events or pursuing career opportunities, living with hair implants opens up a world of possibilities previously hindered by hair loss.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care

Maintaining the results of hair implant restoration requires long-term commitment and lifestyle adjustments. Patients are advised to follow a healthy diet, avoid smoking, and protect their scalp from excessive sun exposure. Regular follow-up appointments with the hair transplant specialist are also essential for monitoring progress and addressing any concerns.

Celebrating Success: Before and After

As patients look back on their journey of hair implant restoration, they can celebrate their success and newfound confidence. Before-and-after photos serve as a testament to the transformative power of embracing change and taking control of one's appearance and self-image.

Embracing Change: A New Chapter

Hair implant restoration is more than just a physical transformation—it's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By embracing change and investing in hair restoration, individuals can reclaim their confidence and embrace life's opportunities with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.


Embracing change through hair implant restoration is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to reclaim their confidence and self-esteem. With advancements in hair transplant techniques and a supportive network of specialists, anyone struggling with hair loss can embark on this life-changing experience.

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Nimra Jamal 2
Joined: 6 months ago
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