Pro Tips: How To Choose The Right Finials For Your Fence

Pro Tips: How To Choose The Right Finials For Your Fence
3 min read

While installing a fence around a property, you need to think of the fence finials; otherwise, the look will be incomplete. Decorative finials give a different appeal to the overall look of your fences.

You can get fence finials in various materials and styles. The designs may vary from simple to something extravagant. Decorative finials look beautiful, and homeowners often pick them despite their high price. You can find fence finials made of plastic, wood, aluminum, and iron. You need to know how to choose the right finials for your fence so that it looks good.


You should choose the fence finials depending on the material, style, and purpose. There are different shapes of fence finials like round, flat, pointed, or something with an elaborate design. The designs can be of any object or creature, like the face of an animal. You can get fence finials needed for security purposes, like the pointed metal designs. In such a case, intruders won’t be able to jump off the fence and enter your property. Also, birds won’t be able to sit on the fence.


Fence finials mainly serve ornamental purposes. They enhance the look of your fence. At the same time, It can make the wooden fence more durable by protecting its top part from the fence from moisture or rain.


Earlier, fence finials were made of iron or wood. Now, other cheaper options are available which include aluminum, plastic, and artificial wood. The iron and wood are good for finials with elaborate design; whereas, the modern and less expensive finials are used for a specific purpose; mainly for security. Usually, it is better to choose a finial made of the same material as the fence. That way, the texture, and style will match. It will also be easy to install and maintain. If you want a striking effect, you can use a fence finial of a different material.


The number of finials you need for your fence post depends on the number of posts, and also the kind of material. For wooden fences, you need fewer finials. It is because the posts are installed between slats of larger expanses. The gate posts have ornamental finials, and the rest are a bit simpler and similar.


You will find decorative finials in many stores. You need to research the designs and prices to pick the best finials for the fence posts. Your property boundary will look striking and safe.

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