Ecommerce stores typically use white or neutral backgrounds for product images to maintain consistency, reduce distractions and save space for faster web loading times. This method helps ensure consistency without distraction and save file size for easier uploading purposes.
However, your backdrop choice can add a personal touch that will elevate your product photography and drive conversions.
Backgrounds with Texture
Product photographers frequently opt to shoot products on white backgrounds to highlight them as the focal point of each photograph. This practice can prove particularly advantageous when cropping photos down for use on websites or social media, since a simple, clean background makes cropping down pictures without distorting their look easy.
If you prefer something other than plain white backdrops for your photos, there are various alternatives that can add texture and variety. From seamless paper backdrops in various colors, patterns, and textures to household products like foam board or contact paper designed as drawer liners or shelf liners - there's sure to be something out there that fits the bill!
As an additional creative option, consider trying a gradient background effect where one color gradually transforms into another. A popular option is a linear gradient starting in the top corner and running diagonally; but you could also experiment with circular gradients or multiple gradients for added visual interest.
Backgrounds with Natural Light
White background product photography is essential to online stores because customers visiting your website want a clear idea of the look of your products. White backdrop product photos allow shoppers to do just this, providing the ultimate shopping experience.
An effective way of creating this look is using natural lighting when shooting product photos. This type of illumination works especially well in smaller studio spaces, and may help save you from having to purchase or set up extra lights or backdrops.
Utilise natural shadows to give your product photos an authentic appearance. This technique works particularly well when photographing furniture or shoes and will ensure your photos stand out from the competition.
Gradient backdrops are another popular style of background that can add an eye-catching element to product photos. While you can purchase these types of backdrops at specialty backdrop stores, creating your own can also be accomplished via painting canvas or using Photoshop effects.
Backgrounds with Multiple Angles
When taking photos of food or other small products, creating more visually appealing and realistic product images requires having different angles and textures in your background. Utilizing seamless background paper (available for relatively cheap at camera stores) or simply using your wall as a backdrop is one way to achieve this effect.
White backdrops are an ideal backdrop for product photography because they look clean, professional and unassuming on any website. But with some skillful camera and lighting manipulation techniques you can use, white backgrounds needn't remain plain -- learn to play around with camera angles to change their tone for greater creativity in your images.
These images are ideal for showing the texture of a food product and can also add interest with their patterns, such as brick or stone backgrounds that give your food the illusion that it belongs on a kitchen counter.
Backgrounds with Portability
As when working on location, finding product photo backgrounds that are portable and easy to assemble are of utmost importance. The PXB Pro Portable Background System features a self-supporting frame with adjustable stand that assembles in just minutes before fitting back neatly into its case - the perfect backdrop solution for on-the-go shoots!
White backgrounds are ideal for product photography background, providing a background with minimal noise to keep the focus squarely on your products' features. But that doesn't have to be your only option--colored backdrops can help set the scene and complement client brand colors.
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