Pros and Cons of Cultivating Southern Humboldt Seed Collective

Pros and Cons of Cultivating Southern Humboldt Seed Collective
4 min read

Are you looking to cultivate seeds at your home? Or do you know what the right methods to germinate them are? This complete reference would assist you in how you can germinate them greatly and the advantages and disadvantages of growing them. Therefore, if you want to grow the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective, there are multiple growers to treat it as the most crucial part to cut them off properly equally. Furthermore, doing this makes you feel bored, especially if you have planted several plants. 

Define Trimming Weed

Do you know why it is crucial to trim the weed in proper shape? Trimming the weed plants is a process that will assist in shredding all the leaves from the buds. In addition, it is vital to trim all the unnecessary leaves that might destroy all the good quality of the bud. Moreover, by getting a good appearance, it will automatically enhance. 

Wet Trim vs. Dry Trim

Dry Trimming

Dry trimming is a great method that is mostly adopted by growers, especially if they need more time to sit down and do the job. In addition, you have to grow the plant and chill it for a while until it is entirely dry. Then, you can effortlessly ignore buds from the branches and cut them off. Several companies get advantages from dry trimming the plant. 


The advantage you get in dry trimming is the potential to create edibles. Additionally, you can keep your leaves after drying the plants. Moreover, all the growers might adopt this technique to avoid chaos. 


In this disadvantage, you get in dry trimming that the trichomes become hard and prone to breaking. Therefore, you must be careful to manage all the buds very carefully. Moreover, you also must monitor the moisture since the humidity can lead to mold growth in your plants. 

Wet Trimming

Now comes the wet trimming that is mostly used by the multiple growers who usually prefer to use the wet trimming methods. It comes off when you trim them off, as you can do this while sitting in one place. Additionally, trimming off the plant and diminishing all the unnecessary leaves from the plenty of branches is essential. However, there are some people, to begin with, the base and work at an upward angle. Therefore, you get the ability to dry and cure the buds greatly. 


The benefit of wet trimming is that you can effortlessly diminish sugar and fan leaves, which will shrink in the dry technique. Without the sugar leaves, the flowers do not have so much humidity. The process is much fast, as there are minimum growth choices. Moreover, people in moist environments can see the pros of wet trimming. 


The cons you get in this wet trimming is it gets stickier, which is why people mostly opt for gloves. You will feel a bit dull with the chaos created in this entire process. However, the buds sometimes dry too soon, which can easily affect the flavor. 


So, these are some points you must know about how to trim marijuana plants correctly and the correct method to trim them. But before all this process, you need to opt for the southern humboldt seed collective and trim the unnecessary leaves from the various branches when these plants go drier.

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