Pros and Cons of Mobile & In-Shop Windshield Repair

Pros and Cons of Mobile & In-Shop Windshield Repair
3 min read

People rarely ever think about their car’s windshield unless it gets damaged. The windshield becomes a concern when you get in an accident and the glass gets cracked. Possibly, you were traveling down the highway when a pebble hit your front windshield, leaving a little chip. When a crack or chip is small, many drivers continue to drive the vehicle until it spreads to cover the entire windshield. And when that happens, the car owner finally decides to do something about it.

A damaged windshield impairs not only your vision on the road but also the structural integrity of the car, putting your safety in danger. When it comes to a damaged windshield, you have two options- repair or replace. A skilled auto glass technician can tell whether your windshield needs repair or replacement. But before you figure out what type of service needs to be done; you need to think about how you plan to get the windshield fixed. Are you going to take the car to the repair center or prefer getting the windshield repaired at your location? When it comes to windshield repair or replacement, there are two options available- mobile service and in-shop replacement. To know more about each option, let’s check out some pros and cons of mobile and in-shop services.

Mobile Windshield Service

If you have a busy schedule, you may want to get your windshield replaced at work or home. Mobile windshield service can be a practical choice if you don’t have time to take the vehicle to the service center. Moreover, when the windshield has got severely damaged, it isn’t safe to drive the car. Mobile windshield repair is an easy solution where the auto glass technician arrives at your location, fully equipped to perform the repair or replacement job. While it is a convenient solution, it’s only feasible when the weather is nice and you have enough time for the glass glue to fully cure and dry before driving again. Certain factors such as temperature, humidity, weather, and road conditions, determine how long your car needs to stay immobile. Also, for the latest car models that come with cameras and sensors, it’s important to perform ADAS calibration prior to installation. Not all mobile glass replacement services provide on-site calibration. In this case, you may need to take the car to the repair shop.

In-Shop Windshield Replacement

If mobile auto glass service is more convenient, the in-shop auto glass repair service is comprehensive. The repair shop has the perfect environment and a range of tools to enable technicians to fix serious damage to the windshield. Besides more comprehensive service, an in-shop auto glass service is also less expensive because you don’t need to pay extra for a technician to come to your home or business. However, it can be stressful to manage time and drive your car with a damaged windshield. You may also have to wait a few hours or get the car picked up later.

So, to choose between in-shop and mobile windshield replacement services, consider factors like weather, driving condition, convenience, and cost.

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