Among the positive aspects of the new PTE exam format are the shorter exam duration and fewer questions. With two hours in total and fewer questions, you have no option to take a break, but the PTE test is still effective, even though there are fewer questions and no optional break. However, this doesn't mean the PTE test is any less effective than other lengthy English language tests in the world. You still need to achieve the same score levels as before in order to apply to universities or countries that accept the PTE scores. There are twenty question types in four sections you need to complete in total. In the PTE exam, the questions are still marked by a computer, and it is conducted completely online. The PTE exam format is sleeker and more accurate than other English language tests like IELTS.
With the new PTE test format, you don't need to worry about how to prepare, and at Edutrainex, we have trained hundreds of students to pass the PTE test with high scores. In our full-length mock tests, you will be prepared in a similar manner as you would in an actual test, with the same duration and difficulty of questions. If you need assistance mastering the new PTE format, our PTE experts are always available. You can also gain an indirect advantage to your PTE score levels by learning English grammar and vocabulary with us. The only thing you need to do is make sure you are using study materials and practice questions according to the new PTE format, so follow our blog posts and videos on PTE topics, and you will definitely gain a lot of knowledge from them. You don't have to spend three hours anymore, and the number of questions is easier too.
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