Rami Beracha Believes That There Are Many Investment Opportunities To be Identified, even in The Coronavirus Economy

6 min read
02 October 2022
Take your time when choosing the dream you want to pursue. One of the most important steps to success in any project is to be sure that the venture is right for you. You must be genuinely enthusiastic about your dream and believe that it is a good idea to succeed. It is more important than the venture you decide to pursue, but you must are convinced of the vision behind. When you've embarked on your process, don't hesitate to make changes as you progress. It's better to make changes and fix things at the beginning rather than spend more time and money.
Rami Beracha's advice for students of Herzliya's Interdisciplinary Center is based upon his own personal experiences. Rami began his law studies as a teenager. He wasn't sure that he would like to pursue law, but he continued his studies and earned an MBA in New York. After that, he worked in the international law firm. He realized that his love was more for business rather than law after his stint working in the Wall Street law office. He quit his job and he moved to France to pursue an MBA.
Rami Beracha
Following her graduation in 1996, Beracha started working for the Venture Capital Fund Pitango. It is the biggest Israeli venture capital investment fund. Pitango invests in businesses at their early stages, developing key areas of high-tech. Pitango has made over 200 investments in the past and had more than 85 exits. Rami became the managing partner in 2000 and for the next 18 years, he was in charge of many deals that led to success in the exits of large corporations in the Fortune 500 like Broadcom, Marvel, Cisco and Apple.
He didn't stop there. Globes recognized Beracha with the "Esteemed Partner", recognizing his contribution as a key investor. Rami established Sosa in 2014 as a fresh initiative. Sosa has innovation centers in New York and Tel Aviv which assist innovative high-tech firms in working with global entrepreneurs looking to cooperate with promising Israeli startups. Sosa was recently appointed to supervise the building and operation of New York City's cyber center.
Newest Investment Dreams Amidst Covid19
Rami Beracha
Rami Beracha believes in the possibility of finding new opportunities, even though the economic environment has been difficult for the last few years, since the coronavirus was first identified. He suggests looking for a companies that have the potential to create significant digital transformation.
Rami Beracha
Beracha is working on several new projects. A group of business partners and Beracha recently established the London-based venture capital fund. Beracha was instrumental in helping create Israel as a global center for technological innovation, is now ready to expand his business. Beracha's vision for business is revealed in the fund. It says that "We are experts in technology, however we only invest in mission-driven individuals." They are looking for enthusiastic companies that can assist in helping blockchain to become an innovator in the field of innovative ideas, helping the world advance.
Beracha plans to establish the Middle East venture capital fund in along with the European fund. Beracha believes that this is the best time to invest in the Arab Market following the recently concluded Abraham Accords with Israel and United Arab Emirates. Dubai is a wealthy and modern city to begin. Ender Ventures, his latest fund is an idea he has. It is expected to attract European and Israeli investors to support high-tech UAE businesses working on artificial intelligence, robotics, VR, etc. The United Arab Emirates has a unique perspective on business. The low tax rate as well as the business-friendly laws will make it an attractive destination for many businesses over the next few decades.
Rami Beracha's Challenging Past
Although today it seems that Rami Beracha succeeds in everything that he's chosen to pursue, his life wasn't always so easy. Beracha was a soldier as a young man, much as the majority of Israelis. He served as an combat soldier in the Paratrooper's Brigade during the Lebanon War. Rami, who was a part of a rescue mission to aid wounded soldiers who were trapped in a minefield and joined the Paratrooper's Army in 1983 shortly after the war. Rami fell into a concealed mine, and lost both his foot and hand.
Rami Beracha
He was admitted to the hospital for rehabilitation, which was among the most stressful times of his life. He was unable and unwilling to move, and eventually began to feel depressed and hopeless. The hopes of building his army career seemed unattainable to him. He was unsure of who he was. Rami's suffering allowed him to find the passion and drive to live his life and make new dreams. He was determined to get stronger and more efficient than he had been before the injuries. Rami was determined to explore new extreme sports. He is a fan of kitesurfing and snowboarding. He's also hiked up Mount Kilimanjaro. As he strives to improve himself, he sometimes feels like his past unwounded self is making him go faster.
Rami gives donations to and volunteers in many organizations. He is also passionate about helping young soldiers, just like him, get injured in combat. Rami was the leader of an army unit that assisted wounded soldiers during a journey to Nepal. He rose to the rank major within the Israeli paratrooper/fire brigades in the year 2018. He had his dreams as an aspiring young man, and they came true despite the many challenges. His story and his passion are a source of inspiration to many. Rami didn't let injuries hold him back; he kept learning and trying new things until he was stronger than before.
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