React Conditional Rendering

4 min read


In the world of modern web development, creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces is a key aspect. React, a popular JavaScript library, offers a powerful feature called conditional rendering, allowing developers to display different content based on certain conditions. This capability provides immense flexibility and enables the creation of engaging user experiences. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of conditional rendering in React and discover how it simplifies the process of building intuitive interfaces.

What is Conditional Rendering?

Conditional rendering in React refers to the technique of selectively rendering components or elements based on specific conditions. These conditions can be based on state, props, or any other variable or event within the application. By leveraging conditional rendering, developers can control which parts of the user interface are visible or interactable, leading to more personalized and responsive applications.

Using Conditional Statements:

One common way to implement conditional rendering in React is by using conditional statements such as if or switch. Developers can place these statements within the render method or a separate function to determine which components or elements should be rendered.

For example, consider a simple scenario where a login form should only be displayed if the user is not already authenticated. The conditional rendering approach can be implemented as follows:


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render() {

  const { isAuthenticated } = this.state;

  if (isAuthenticated) {

    return <UserProfile />;

  } else {

    return <LoginForm />;



In the above code snippet, the isAuthenticated variable determines which component should be rendered. If the user is authenticated, the UserProfile component is displayed; otherwise, the LoginForm component is rendered. This way, the user interface adapts dynamically based on the application's state.

Using Ternary Operator: 

Another concise way to achieve conditional rendering in React is by using the ternary operator (? :). This operator allows developers to write a condition in a compact form and select components accordingly.

Let's modify the previous example using the ternary operator:


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render() {

  const { isAuthenticated } = this.state;

  return (

    {isAuthenticated ? <UserProfile /> : <LoginForm />}



The code snippet above achieves the same result as the previous example but in a more concise manner. When the isAuthenticated condition evaluates to true, the UserProfile component is rendered; otherwise, the LoginForm component is rendered.

Using Logical && Operator: 

In some cases, conditional rendering may involve displaying or hiding specific elements within a component rather than swapping entire components. The logical AND (&&) operator can be used to conditionally render content inline.

Consider a scenario where a notification is displayed only when there are new messages. Here's an example of how the logical AND operator can be used:


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render() {

  const { newMessages } = this.props;

  return (


      <h1>Welcome to the Chat App</h1>

      {newMessages && <NotificationBadge count={newMessages} />}

      <MessageList />




In the above code, the NotificationBadge component is rendered only if there are new messages (newMessages is truthy). Otherwise, it is skipped, and only the h1 and MessageList components are rendered.


React's conditional rendering is a powerful feature that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. By leveraging conditional statements, ternary operators, and logical operators, developers can control which components or elements are rendered based on specific conditions. This flexibility empowers developers to build personalized, responsive, and engaging applications that adapt to the needs and behavior of their users. So, dive into conditional rendering, and unlock

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