BLACKPINK Lisa to Drop New Song with Rosalia Soon?

BLACKPINK Lisa to Drop New Song with Rosalia Soon?
4 min read

Fans of famous kpop singers group BLACKPINK's member Lisa and Spanish singer Rosalia are excited about a potential new song together. Rumors and excitement surround this possible collaboration. 

How the Collaboration Rumors Started

The rumors started after some interesting social media posts and public comments. According to Allkpop, the first hint came when Rosalia, 31, posted a Thai flag and the number nine on her Instagram story. Many thought this might mean a release date in September since Lisa is from Thailand, and fans quickly made the connection.

Rosalia's Social Media Clues

Rosalia's social media posts have been a big part of the speculation. Her Instagram story with the Thai flag and the number nine was a major hint pointing to Lisa.

This was made even more convincing by her regular interactions with Lisa on various platforms, showing they have a close relationship that could lead to making music together.

Lisa's Dream Collaboration

BLACKPINK Lisa to Drop New Song with Rosalia Soon?

Lisa has always admired Rosalia. In a birthday video on YouTube by Lloud, Lisa said Rosalia is one of her "dream collaborators." This public statement has added to the excitement. The respect and admiration between the two artists make a collaboration likely.

Ryan Tedder Hint

Ryan Tedder, the lead singer of One Republic, hinted on his Instagram story that he was working with a "Thai artist to produce a new song." He later tagged Lisa, exciting BLACKPINK fans (BLINKS). Tedder involvement adds credibility to the rumors since he has worked with artists like Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Demi Lovato, Ellie Goulding, and BLACKPINK.


The Friendship That Started at Coachella


Lisa and Rosalia first met backstage at Coachella in September 2023. They have been friends since then, often expressing their admiration for each other's work. This friendship has made fans think a collaboration is not just possible but very likely.

The Importance of a Lisa and Rosalia Collaboration

BLACKPINK Lisa to Drop New Song with Rosalia Soon?

A collaboration between Lisa and Rosalia would be huge. It would bring together two very influential artists from different music styles. Lisa, with her K-pop background and large global following, and Rosalia, with her mix of flamenco, reggaeton, and modern pop, would create a unique sound that many people would enjoy.

Impact on Their Careers

For Lisa, working with Rosalia could be a big step in her solo career. She is already famous as a member of BLACKPINK, but this collaboration could help her stand out as a solo artist. For Rosalia, teaming up with Lisa could make her even more popular in Asia and boost her global status.

Possible Sound of Their Collaboration

BLACKPINK Lisa to Drop New Song with Rosalia Soon?

Fans are curious about what their song might sound like. With their different music styles, it could be anything. It might be a high-energy dance track mixing K-pop and flamenco, or it could be a more soulful song showing off their vocal skills. Whatever it is, fans are eagerly waiting.

Fan Reactions and Speculations

Fans are very excited. Social media is full of theories and predictions about the collaboration. From fan art to speculative playlists, fans of both artists are showing their excitement in creative ways. The potential collaboration is one of the hottest topics in the music world.

What This Means for K-pop and Global Music

If Lisa and Rosalia work together, it would be a big cultural moment. It would show how music is becoming more global, with artists from different genres and backgrounds coming together. This collaboration could lead to more cross-genre and cross-cultural projects in the future, making the global music scene even richer.

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Steve Jon 2
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