Scared of allergy season? Tips to keep yourself healthy

Scared of allergy season? Tips to keep yourself healthy
5 min read

Welcome to the seasonal allergy club if you experience sneezing, itchy eyes, and headaches every spring and fall. Allergy season can be a miserable time for people who suffer from allergies. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, making it difficult to enjoy the outdoors or even just go about your daily life. Because, let's be honest, nobody likes waking up with a blocked nose or sneezing throughout the day.

But how do you know if you have allergies or even a sinus infection? Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell. Unlike allergies, a cold or respiratory illness frequently results in a fever, making that a crucial sign. It's more likely that you had a cold than allergies if your nasal congestion goes away in one to two weeks.

Depending on the types of pollen you are allergic to, seasonal allergy symptoms typically last three weeks or longer. Finally, you can genuinely consider mucus colour when deciding between allergies, a cold, and a sinus infection. While an opaque, yellow/green, or heavy discharge typically denotes a cold, a thin, clear discharge typically implies allergies.

Okay, we just got carried away. Today it's about how to stay healthy, so we will discuss some tips o keep yourself healthy when allergy season arrives. You will be surprised to learn that something as simple as black pepper can do wonders for your allergies. Don't believe us? Keep reading. 

If you have allergies, there are several things you can do to stay healthy and reduce your symptoms. Here are some tips:

Reduce your exposure to allergens

The first step to managing allergies is to reduce your exposure to allergens. This may mean staying indoors on dry, windy days, avoiding mowing the lawn or other activities that stir up pollen, and washing your clothes after you've been outside. Consider using an air purifier in your home to help remove allergens from the air.

Get enough sleep

When you're sleep-deprived, your body is more susceptible to allergies. So, people with allergies should ensure they get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep their bodies upright to fight allergies. 

Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet can help boost your immune system and make you less susceptible to allergies. Ensure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, here are a few immunity-boosting drinks you can add to your day. Prepare ginger and kali mirch tea as it relieves allergies and boosts immunity. 

Stay hydrated

We generally underestimate the importance of staying hydrated because there are literally tons of benefits that water offers to our body, and one of them is managing allergies. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush allergens out of your system. Aim to drink 8 glasses of water each day. 

Manage stress

Most of us already know that stress is the root cause of several severe diseases. But you might know it, but stress can worsen allergy symptoms. Yes, you read that right! Though it should be a regular thing, you need to check your stress levels. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation.

See your doctor

Of course, if nothing else works, you will have to see your doctor if your allergies are severe or not responding to treatment. They may be able to prescribe more vital medication or recommend other treatment options.

Here are some additional tips that may help you stay healthy during allergy season:

Keep your windows closed when pollen counts are high.

Use an air conditioner or fan to circulate the air in your home.

Take a shower after you've been outside to wash away pollen and other allergens.

Change your clothes after you've been outside.

Avoid wearing perfume or scented products, as these can irritate your allergies.

Vacuum and dust your home regularly.

Get rid of any mold or mildew in your home.

Wash your bedding weekly.

See an allergist if your allergies are severe.

Following these tips can help reduce your symptoms and enjoy the outdoors even during allergy season.

Here are some additional tips that may help you stay healthy during allergy season:

Know your triggers. The first step to managing allergies is to identify your triggers. This will help you avoid them and reduce your exposure to allergens. Common triggers include pollen, dust mites, mould, pet dander, and certain foods.

Take your medication as directed. If you have been prescribed allergy medication, make sure you take it as directed. This will help to control your symptoms and make you feel better.


Allergy season can be difficult for sufferers because it hampers smooth living. However, following the tips in this blog can help reduce your symptoms and enjoy the outdoors even during allergy season. Hope the tips work for you. 

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