What is the Reason Every Author Needs an Author's Website?

What is the Reason Every Author Needs an Author's Website?
5 min read
20 January 2023

An authors website serves as both a permanent home for the author and a platform for showcasing their creative endeavours without the limitations imposed by other bookselling websites. In order to develop relationships with their audience, authors must have a website, which readers may access whenever it's convenient for them. The website serves as a window into the author's world and might help them with the book publishing process. A résumé website, personal website, portfolio website, gallery, and a place to gain exclusive access to the author should all be combined on the author's website.

Here are some reasons why every author needs a website.

Independent control – 

This is due to a number of variables, including the fact that an authors website serves as a vehicle for developing their brand, allowing them control over the sales of their books and greater independence over the showcasing and brand image of the author. There is no better method to engage with readers these days than for authors to have a strong social media presence in addition to having a website.

Fandom –

The days of authors hiding their readership under pen identities to publish their books are long gone. A writer's website can serve as an exclusive spot for readers to engage with their fan base, interact, and even collaborate with them. It functions as a plugin to all of the author's social media accounts and all of their social media activities. It is not realistic for the author to deviate from the standard and not have a social media presence or an online presence with their website in this era of literal face value since they will go out of demand and be unable to establish a lasting reputation.

Sales –

Websites like Amazon and others that sell books are excellent since they already have the readership that will make the author's work stand out and the infrastructure that will enable them to become a great centre for book publishing. When you tally up the costs, there is actually very little profit for either party to make because online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart also need to make money, so they charge a specific percentage of the book's actual profit in addition to a regular delivery fee. The author can sell the book directly to the reader on personal author websites, on the other hand, without having to deal with a middleman like Amazon who would set the terms of the sale. And without having to pay extra money to E-Commerce companies for promotional content, the author can even plan book-signing activities and promotional events and advertise them right in the website.

Now that we've established that every author requires a website, we can discuss the best practises for building one: 

Details –

Details like a suitable bio and contact information section, as well as appropriate keywords that reflect the books' genre and category, are crucial because they help the website be found naturally in a Google search. In order for readers to view their purchases on the author's website, information on an easily accessible payment method and a login area must also be provided. Other information, including all of the author's social media plugins, other locations where the author is selling the book, and appropriate hyperlinks, must also be included for website visitors to be able to go where the author wants them to go.

Responsiveness and attention –

In order for users to effortlessly navigate from one book to the next and between other sections that the author has chosen to include, the website must be responsive and have an intuitive user interface (UI). The website needs to be mobile-friendly. The author's blogs must also have their own area because this will help people find the website online. A dedicated team must ensure that the website is updated as frequently as possible with all the latest information on new book releases, other author-created content, social media interactions, interviews, and other social events, as well as a location for the media to obtain materials like the author's photos and book cover images for use in the press, as well as updated banners with press-related information. Due to the fact that Google search algorithms recognise the website as responsive, natural, and relevant, this will also improve Google search results.


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Alice gary 2
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