Should You Go to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care?

Should You Go to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care?
6 min read
23 November 2022


If you're having a medical emergency, call 911. You should also think about whether to see an emergency room doctor or an urgent care center doctor right away. Here's the difference between these types of doctors and what they can treat:

If you're having a medical emergency, call 911.

If you’re having a medical emergency, call 911.

  • If you are having a heart attack: Call 911 immediately and ask for an ambulance. The best place for EMS personnel to arrive is at the hospital or clinic where your doctor is treating you so that they can get there quickly and administer treatment as soon as possible. You may also be asked to go directly into surgery once it's determined that your condition warrants it (see below).
  • If you're having a stroke: Call 911 immediately and ask for an ambulance or take yourself by car if possible, because time is critical in this situation—you cannot wait until later in the day when it may be too late! A stroke patient needs immediate attention from brain surgeons who will work with them through their entire recovery process before returning home safely again; otherwise they could suffer further damage due out of ignorance on how important this step really was prior--and would likely result in death sooner than later without proper medical care being provided beforehand."

Here are some examples of conditions that should be treated at an ER.

  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Severe allergic reaction.
  • Severe asthma attack.
  • Seve pain that doesn't get better with over-the-counter medication or other treatments, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Bleeding that can't be stopped using direct pressure on the wound including bleeding from cuts and wounds caused by accidents or surgery; blood poisoning from bacteria entering through an open wound; blood clots blocking arteries leading to your heart; aneurysms popping in your brain--these are all emergencies that need immediate attention at an emergency room so you can get the care you need to save your life!

Here's what to expect at urgent care.

You'll be seen by a doctor in a few minutes, then get some paperwork to fill out. The nurse may ask you questions about your symptoms and how long they've been going on, then give you some information about what's causing them and what to do about it.

You'll likely be given medication for the condition—if it's an infection or other common condition like allergies or asthma, that's usually all there is to it (though if the problem is more serious than those things might indicate and requires ongoing treatment over time). If more complicated treatments are needed at urgent care centers (notably surgery), they will refer you back to where they got their care; otherwise they can provide only basic first aid like bandages and antibiotics without additional appointments necessary beyond paying cashiering charges associated with each visit themselves!

Here are some examples of conditions that are appropriate for urgent care.

  • If a patient has a headache or sore throat, he or she should go to an urgent care center.
  • Minor burns and cuts are also appropriate for urgent care centers as well as your primary care physician's office.
  • Minor sprains and strains are also common enough that they can be taken care of at an urgent care facility without causing any further damage to your body.

Know when to put off treatment and go home.

When you're in pain and can't get to see your regular doctor, it's important to know how soon you need treatment. Some kinds of pain are easier than others to treat at home, so if you think the problem is minor enough and short enough that waiting until later won't make much difference, then go ahead with what feels right for your situation like calling Urgent Care Madisonville or any nearby service.. But if something seems serious—if it hurts too much or lasts longer than normal (or both)—then going directly into an urgent care clinic may be better than waiting until later on when more people will have appointments available at their own doctors' offices.

You can decide whether you need to see a doctor in the emergency room or if it is okay to wait until you can get an appointment with your regular doctor.

When you have an emergency, the last thing you want to do is wait. The longer you wait, the worse it gets and possibly becomes. If however, unlike many other people who are in similar situations as yours, your symptoms only last a few hours or even less than that and don't seem serious enough for an ER visit then it may not make sense for them to send someone over right away either.

If this happens then there are still options available:

  • Urgent Care Clinics - These clinics offer more limited services than those found at an ER but they often provide faster service times than what would be available at an emergency room (ER).
  • Doctors Offices/Hospital Visits - This can also mean seeing a doctor either directly from their office or through referrals from other doctors who specialize in treating similar illnesses/conditions within their field of expertise; this might include physical therapy visits if needed due to ongoing back pain issues following surgery repairs.


These are just a few examples of how to decide whether or not you should see a doctor in the emergency room or urgent care. You may need to get a second opinion on your condition, and that’s okay. It’s very important to know what is right for you and your family, so ask questions about their services before deciding where best for treatment.

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