SMS Local: Building Scalable and Secure Gateway API for Modern Applications

SMS Local: Building Scalable and Secure Gateway API for Modern Applications
9 min read
11 September 2023


APIs have become the backbone of modern application development, allowing different software components to communicate with each other. As companies adopt microservices architectures and aim to share their APIs with partner developers, Gateway API have emerged as a critical component for managing and securing API traffic.

In this article, we'll explore best practices for building scalable and secure Gateway API. We'll cover gateway functionality, deployment patterns, security considerations, and techniques for optimizing performance and reliability. By the end, you'll understand key decisions and tradeoffs for implementing Gateway API that meet the needs of modern applications.

SMS Local: Building Scalable and Secure Gateway API for Modern Applications

What is an API Gateway?

An API gateway is a service that acts as a single entry point for client applications accessing backend services. The gateway handles requests by routing them to the appropriate microservice. It also handles cross-cutting concerns like authentication, TLS termination, rate limiting, caching, and more.

Gateway API provides a facade over microservices and facilitates a unified experience for consuming services. They decouple clients from services, providing insulation from how APIs are implemented internally. This allows services to evolve and scale independently without impacting clients.

Key responsibilities of an API gateway include:

  • Request routing - Forward requests to backend services based on path, headers, etc.
  • Authentication and authorization - Verify API keys, JWT tokens, etc., and validate access rights.
  • Rate limiting - Throttle requests to protect backend services from being overwhelmed.
  • Load balancing - Distribute requests across service instances.
  • Caching - Return responses from a cache for performance.
  • TLS termination - Decrypt incoming requests and encrypt responses to the backend.
  • Logging, metrics, tracing - Gain visibility into API usage and issues.
  • Response transformation - Modify responses for compatibility.

Gateway API acts as the control plane for API traffic, handling cross-cutting tasks outside of business logic. They are commonly used for public-facing APIs but can also secure, manage, and optimize internal microservices communication.

API Gateway Deployment Patterns

Gateway API provides a façade to backend services. There are a few common deployment patterns:

Single Gateway

The simplest option is a single gateway that handles all API traffic and routes requests to services across multiple environments like development, staging, and production. This provides a consistent entry point with the gateway handling tasks like TLS termination, authentication, and rate limiting uniformly.

However, a single gateway introduces a potential single point of failure. The gateway needs to be properly scaled to handle aggregate traffic across all APIs and environments. Any gateway downtime will impact the availability of all APIs.

Per Environment

Another option is to deploy a separate API gateway per environment - one for development, one for staging, and one for production. This isolates APIs and backend services per environment, since gateways only route requests to resources within their environment.

This prevents instability or issues in one environment from impacting others. Gateways can be sized appropriately for each environment's traffic levels. It also allows environment-specific configuration - for example, disabling authentication for development.

The downside is the overhead of managing multiple gateway instances. More care is required to keep configuration consistent across environments and achieve parity in functionality between gateways.


Gateways can also be deployed dedicated to one API or microservice. This partitions APIs into separate gateways, preventing any single gateway from becoming a bottleneck. It also minimizes blast radius from gateway failures, improving availability for other APIs.

However, deploying dedicated gateways incurs overhead around infrastructure and operations. Teams lose the convenience of managing APIs centrally. Usage patterns for each API must be well understood to properly size the gateways.

Overall, the optimal deployment pattern depends on scale, security requirements, team structure, and other factors. Larger organizations tend to gravitate towards Gateway API per environment or API to achieve isolation and scale. However, a single gateway may suit the needs of smaller teams and applications.

Securing Gateway API

Since Gateway APIs sit between clients and backend services, they must be secured to avoid compromising APIs or underlying data. Several techniques can limit the attack surface and mitigate threats:

Authenticating Clients

Gateway API supports various mechanisms for authenticating clients and validating access rights, including:

  • API keys - Simple keyed authentication with API keys passed in headers or query params.
  • OAuth - Delegate authentication to authorization servers to generate access tokens.
  • JWT tokens - Stateless token-based authentication using JSON Web Tokens.
  • Client-side certificates - Mutual TLS authentication requires a client certificate.

The gateway should integrate with centralized identity providers to apply consistent authentication and authorization policies across services.

Limiting Access

Access to the API gateway should be limited to only necessary IP ranges or VLANs. This reduces the internet-exposed attack surface. Firewall policies should be applied to restrict traffic.

Protecting Credentials

Any credentials used by the gateway like service account API keys or OAuth client secrets must be stored securely and rotated periodically. A secrets vault like HashiCorp Vault should be used to provide access control and encrypt stored credentials.

Securing Communications

The gateway should terminate TLS for backend service communications to securely encrypt traffic. Internal-only APIs that the gateway proxies may not support TLS - the gateway provides TLS to clients while communicating over plain HTTP internally.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) headers should be used to enforce TLS for clients. Authentication and security policies should be consistently applied for HTTP and gRPC services.

Limited Service Account Access

The gateway's backend service account should be permissioned to only access required endpoints and data for proxying requests. This limits damage if the service account is compromised.

Preventing Abuses

Gateways should safeguard against API abuses like denial of service attacks, mass data scraping, and credential stuffing by:

  • Enforcing rate limits and quotas based on API keys or other attributes
  • Blocking suspicious IP addresses
  • Preventing brute force attacks against authorization mechanisms

Robust logging and analytics should be implemented to detect abusive behavior.

Optimizing Gateway Performance

As communication hubs, Gateway API must be optimized for performance, availability, and scalability. Here are best practices for gateways handling heavy traffic loads:

Horizontal Scaling

Gateways should be horizontally scalable to add capacity by deploying to additional nodes. A load balancer evenly distributes requests across gateway instances. The gateways themselves can balance requests to backend services.

Autoscaling policies can automatically add gateway capacity based on metrics like requests per second to maintain responsive service levels.


Frequently accessed data like metadata responses can be cached locally at the gateway layer to reduce backend calls. Caching improves response times and reduces the load on services. The cache lifetimes should be properly configured based on data volatility.

Asynchronous Communication

Having clients synchronously wait for responses ties up gateway resources. Gateways should use asynchronous communication by quickly acknowledging requests and passing work to backend systems for processing while freeing up resources.

Limiting Payload Size

Gateways should limit the size of incoming requests and payloads to prevent abuse. This protects backend services from having to handle massive loads.

Graceful Failure Handling

Gateways should handle backend service failures gracefully by retrying requests, returning cached data, or providing default values. This prevents cascading failures.


Gateways should be continuously monitored for metrics like response times, latency, errors, saturation, and traffic volume. Alerting policies can notify teams about potential issues.

Careful gateway design, deployment, and monitoring are needed to fully realize the benefits of Gateway API - centralized control and security without becoming a new bottleneck.

Leveraging Cloud Services

Major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer managed API gateway services like Amazon API Gateway, Azure API Management, and Apigee. These provide turnkey solutions for API management with built-in features like:

  • Developer portals - Onboard API consumers and enable discovery and exploration.
  • Rate limiting and quotas - Configure fine-grained usage plans and quotas.
  • Caching - Scale gateways by caching common responses.
  • Logging and analytics - Gain visibility into API usage and performance.
  • Lifecycle management - Publish API versions and deprecate old versions.
  • CORS configuration - Enable cross-origin resource sharing.
  • Transformation - Convert between JSON and XML, or modify responses.

Cloud-based gateways integrate with other platform services like load balancing, service discovery, identity management, and critical management. They optimize reliability and elasticity by auto-scaling gateways across availability zones.

While cloud gateways reduce operational overhead, organizations give up some control compared to self-hosted gateways. Evaluating cloud services involves weighing convenience versus customizability for an organization's use cases and constraints.


Gateway APIs are critical components enabling the safe and reliable sharing of APIs and microservices. Gateways provide centralized controls for security, traffic management, and visibility while insulating clients from backend complexity.

Organizations must balance factors like isolation versus consolidation, cloud versus self-hosted, and customization versus turnkey solutions when implementing Gateway API. Following security and performance best practices helps gateways keep pace with ever-growing API demands while avoiding pitfalls like service degradation or breaches.

Careful API gateway design and deployment lays the foundation for scalable microservices and flexible development of modern applications.

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