Some Important Tips For A Safe Ride In A Heavy Traffic

Some Important Tips For A Safe Ride In A Heavy Traffic
5 min read

We are all aware of traffic and congestion on the roadways in any country. Because of how things are now, no one wants to think back on their everyday journeys to work and prefers to spend weekends riding their bikes on country roads. Yes, the ride to the office can be exciting, but the enormous number of automobiles surrounding you prevents you from riding as freely as you would like. 

Some riding tips in heavy traffic

Traffic in the modern world is nothing short of a nightmare. On our roads, avoiding traffic can also be regarded as an art. The following are the top tactics that will help you deal with the crowds and congested streets, which will help you sweat less at the end of the day:

Smooth driving: While smooth riding undoubtedly involves a lot of concentration, you feel gratified when you get to your destination without breaking any bones or scraping your bike on the pavement. In addition to keeping you safe and invigorated, it also enhances the bike's health in that you are less likely to shorten the lifespan of your motorcycle by refraining from rash over-throttling, and the fuel efficiency numbers increase noticeably. Know your bike's gear ratios and precisely execute the upshift and downshift operations. As and when necessary, gently yet firmly depress the brake pedal.

Never stand in the way of a rider or a divider: We often bike on the left side of the road while travelling north in Indian weather. As a result, overtaking in this situation should be done cautiously, without attempting to squeeze yourself between the rider and the roadway divider. It is preferable to ride to the left of the cyclist in front of you since he may decide to do a last-minute U-turn in the opposite direction, making it impossible for you to get in the way of him.

Look where you're heading with your head: This is one of the clearest methods to signal to other riders where you want to travel on the road. Keep your head up and angled in the direction you want to turn as you intend to make a turn, keeping your eyes on the roadways. This gives the motorcyclists behind you a pre-signal, so they won't have to accelerate in the direction of your turn. Also, remember that the direction indicator should be turned on in addition to the head signal.

Shut off your brakes: Usually, when you are riding in traffic, you are not aware of the situation when the car is driving in front of you and next to you is going to stop. And what may happen is that you wind up banging your head on either the rear bonnet of the car or the rear mudguard of the bike in front of you. You must develop better braking techniques to avoid this problem. In our current traffic conditions, frequent braking is required, so it is best to cover both motorcycle brakes by keeping a finger close to the front brake lever and a foot over the rear brake lever. This could improve your ability to brake quickly, especially in heavy traffic.

Slow down in congested and hazardous areas: Sometimes, keeping your competitive nature and DNA under check is wise, especially if you're riding in poor conditions or stuck in traffic. Remember the formula: slower speed + quicker reaction = safer riding. A large boulder may fall ahead of you and tumble down the hillside. It would be best if you also were prepared for such circumstances. 

View what's in your rearview mirror: We are frequently unable to thoroughly examine everything that is going on around us in a single action. It would help if you also were cautious of the motorcycle behind you when turning or stopping your bike. Your rearview mirrors are important for making your job easier in these very distinct situations. These mirrors give you the finest possible view of what is happening before or behind you. You should check these mirrors every 10 to 15 seconds to adjust your riding style as precisely as possible. Additionally, the mirrors should be perfectly positioned behind you to provide the widest field of view.


By following these tips, you can ride a motorcycle more efficiently and enjoy the ride more. So if you are planning to buy a scooter for a long time and want to enjoy its passage, the Yamaha aerox scooter price will be very affordable. So enjoy your trip on your motorcycle.

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Ravi Singh 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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