Spotlight on Speakers: Highlighting Keynote Speakers and Participants at Eduverse Summit Canada 2024

4 min read

The stage is set for Eduverse Summit Canada 2024, and it is sure to become an influential event in Canadian education history. The speaker lineup for this year's Summit is amazing, with each individual contributing their distinct areas of expertise and viewpoints. In this blog, let us understand the experiences and ideas of each of our extraordinary speakers and participants. Get ready to join us for a three-day education event in Canada where we will have thought-provoking conversations and cooperative creativity.

Spotlight on Speakers: Highlighting Keynote Speakers and Participants at Eduverse Summit Canada 2024

Keynote speakers and participants at the Eduverse Summit Canada 2024

  • Cal Barton (UK): At the forefront of educational technology is Cal Barton, CEO of Global Study Technology. His keynote is sure to explore the latest advancements in EdTech and how they can be harnessed to empower educators and personalize learning experiences for students.
  • Jalaj Desai (USA): Leading the prestigious Saddle River Day School, Jalaj Desai brings a wealth of experience in fostering innovation and excellence in K–12 education. His talk will likely shed light on effective leadership strategies and fostering a stimulating learning environment.
  • Ramneet Brar (Canada): Co-founder of Wayble, a company revolutionizing transportation, Ramneet Brar embodies the entrepreneurial spirit. We can expect him to address the importance of fostering creativity and problem-solving skills in young minds, preparing them for the ever-evolving job market.
  • Tamara Goddard (Canada): A force to be reckoned with, Tamara Goddard wears multiple hats—GM at Ela Hultsi Facilities Management and President of Four Economics Ltd. Her perspective on leadership and navigating complex business landscapes will be invaluable for aspiring leaders.
  • Dr. Gordon Binsted (Canada): Professor of Neuroscience at York University, Dr. Binsted delves into the complexities of the human brain. His talk promises to unveil the latest findings in neuroscience and their potential impact on education, potentially exploring areas like cognitive development and learning styles.
  • Dr. Vivek Savkur (Canada): Founder of the BC-India Business Network, Dr. Savkur champions collaboration between academia and industry. His insights will likely focus on how to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing graduates for a successful transition into the workforce.
  • Olav Krigolson: Another esteemed professor of neuroscience, will likely explore the brain's role in learning and memory. Dr. Kent Hecker, a leading figure in veterinary medicine, brings a unique perspective, perhaps delving into interdisciplinary learning and the importance of a holistic approach to education.
  • Jeff Hopkins (Canada): Founder of the innovative Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry, Jeff Hopkins is a champion of progressive education. We can expect him to share his vision for a future-oriented educational system that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Robert Obenaus-Emler:  Head of the Resources Innovation Center in Austria. His perspective will likely enrich discussions on sustainability and responsible resource management, critical issues for future generations.
  • Armaan Dhillon: A leader in the Canadian Federation of Students. We can expect him to highlight the concerns and aspirations of young Canadians in the educational sphere.
  • Dr. May Siksik: CEO of the Canadian Innovation Network, will likely address fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity within educational institutions.


Trevor Koot, CEO of the British Columbia Real Estate Association, to Keerit Jutla, President of the Association for Mineral Exploration (BC), the Summit welcomes leaders shaping Canada's future across various industries. Their insights will be invaluable in identifying the skills and knowledge that educational systems need to equip students for success in a dynamic job market.

Satbir Singh Cheema and Raj Hundal will also be attending our education event in Canada.

Rounding off this impressive line-up are leaders like Sobhana Jaya-Madhavan, representing Simon Fraser University, Natasha Jeshani, President of Career Contacts, and Dr. Gagun Chhina, a faculty member at Langara College. Their diverse perspectives will paint a holistic picture of the educational landscape, emphasizing its power to shape individual lives and build a brighter future for all.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to connect with these exceptional minds that will converge at Eduverse Summit Canada 2024 and share their invaluable insights. Each speaker will bring a unique perspective to make the education system more inclusive and efficient. To secure your spot, visit our website and register immediately.

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