Steps involved in IVF treatment in Bangalore:

Steps involved in IVF treatment in Bangalore:
2 min read

Couples who want to experience the joy of becoming parents will need IVF treatment. IVF treatment is done inside a laboratory and outside a human body. Ultrasound and blood tests will be done to determine the health of the couple. These tests also help to find any genetic disorder in a couple. Infertility causes anxiety, depression, and mental stress. The best clinics will provide counselling sessions to calm down the mental health of their patients. The best counsellor will help them manage their anxiety, stress, and depression levels. These tests and counselling sessions can increase the IVF cost in Bangalore.

In vitro fertilization of a human female cell on a blue background Microscopic view IVF Close up 3d rendering

The IVF procedure starts when the fertility doctor gives hormonal injections to the female partner. These hormonal injections stimulate the ovaries of the female partner. Hormonal injections help to increase the quality and quantity of the eggs in the uterus. The doctor will retrieve these eggs from the uterus of the female partner. A catheter will be used to retrieve these eggs. The male partner will give his semen sample either through ejaculation or through the SSR (surgical sperm retrieval) method. The best semen will be selected by the doctor. The doctor will place the gametes of the couples on a petri dish in a laboratory. The ICSI method will be used to increase the IVF success rates in Bangalore. The ICSI method involved inserting single semen into each egg. For the next four to five days, the doctor will monitor the development of the embryos.

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