Learn What Technical SEO Is: The Complete (And Simple) Guide

Learn What Technical SEO Is: The Complete (And Simple) Guide
4 min read


Learn What Technical SEO Is: The Complete (And Simple) Guide

What is Technical SEO?

Your website will be optimized for both humans and crawlers through technical SEO. Page speed, meta tags, mobile optimization, etc. are all essential aspects of technical SEO. Therefore, if your website contains inconsistencies in these areas, your rankings will continually drop until these errors are identified and resolved.

When it comes to SEO, Technical SEO is just as important as on-page and off-page SEO. In fact, these are all interrelated because some of the on-page and off-page metrics are based on technical SEO and vice versa.

Confused? These are some pointers to help you understand the differences between these three types of search engine optimization.

What is the difference between On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making a website's search engine easy to use. Because of SEO, web pages rank higher in Google search results and can increase organic traffic. On-page, off-page, and technical optimization are all broad sub-parts of SEO. For a website to generate quality traffic, it must balance these elements to achieve the ideal point.

However, before that, you need to understand the basic difference between these three optimizations:

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing the various components of a particular web page to improve SERP rankings and visibility online. Essentially, On-Page is concerned with optimizing the content and is the first step towards telling crawlers which keywords the page should be indexed and ranked for.

The process includes keyword research, content optimization, internal linking, SEO meta tag optimization, etc.

Off-Page SEO

Improving a site's ranking by focusing on factors outside the boundaries of its pages is known as off-page SEO. It helps in boosting a website's reputation in the eyes of search engine crawlers and boosts its rankings and domain authority.

The process includes link building (extensive) - blog commenting, forum posts, etc., social media optimization, guest posting, etc.

Technical SEO

This aspect of SEO focuses on making it easier for search engine crawlers to crawl effectively and index every page of a website. Its primary purpose is to analyze and maintain the technical aspects of an SEO-friendly website. These technical aspects are not 'on the page' or 'off the page'. With Technical SEO we can get stable SEO by monitoring all the elements that make up it.

The process includes monitoring and optimizing page speed, UX and UI, optimizing meta tags, URL structure, sitemaps, etc.

The Importance of Technical SEO

Learn What Technical SEO Is: The Complete (And Simple) Guide

Technical SEO optimization improves overall website performance, while bad Technical SEO service cheap degrades it. For example, after hours of hard work, I have created a piece of content that is unique and informative and can quickly raise search engine rankings. Also, you have invested a large amount of budget in promoting it on social media.

However, if someone clicks on the link to read that piece of content and the landing page takes a long time to load, it will greatly increase the chances of users becoming a competitor. Studies have shown that users leave a web page 10 seconds earlier, and it is clear that your content will not get the traction it deserves. This increases the bounce rate, which then causes SERP positions to fall. Moreover, this is just one important aspect of Technical SEO.


Now you know what technical SEO is, how it differs (or relates to) other aspects of SEO, and its importance to your website's search engine result rankings. However, this is just some theoretical knowledge. You need to learn how to do technical SEO for your website in practice. So, it's time to move on to the next chapter to help you perform step-by-step SEO techniques to help you keep your website in top SEO condition.

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Ahegao Hoodie 3.2K
Ahegao Hoodie is a renowned guest posting expert who has been in the field for over 7 years. She has helped numerous businesses build their online presence with...

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