The benefits of cloud-managed networking for schools

The benefits of cloud-managed networking for schools
6 min read


Schools are always looking for ways to improve the way they run their networks, but they also want to avoid the costs and headaches of having to manage them themselves. Cloud-managed networking is a great solution because it allows schools to get the most out of their existing infrastructure while giving them control over how that infrastructure is managed. In this post we'll explore how cloud-managed networking can help your school improve its network performance without having to worry about installing new hardware or managing servers yourself!

Affordable and convenient

Cloud-managed networking is cheaper than traditional on-premises networking. The reason for this is that cloud managed networks are built around software and services that make it possible to manage the network from anywhere. This means that you don't have to invest in expensive hardware, which can be costly and difficult to maintain, but instead only pay for what you use--and only get support from a single vendor who knows how your school operates best (e.g., cloud).

Cloud-managed networks also provide greater flexibility and scalability than traditional solutions do: they're easier to scale up or down depending on demand, so you don't have to worry about running out of resources while trying out new programs or services as they become available through Google App Engine Standard Edition or Amazon Web Services (AWS).


Cloud-managed networking is flexible. You can install it yourself or have a professional do it, depending on your budget and expertise. It's also easy to upgrade your network as you need to, since cloud-managed networks enable you to manage them remotely and add new features as needed.

Automated updates

Automatic updates are the best way to ensure security, and it's easy to see why. If a system is managed remotely by an organization that has access to its network, then any update can be applied automatically. This means that there is no need for maintenance staff or IT staff onsite at all.

It also makes sense in terms of efficiency: if you can manage your own server, then that server will know when it's time for an upgrade or repair right down to the minute. In addition, automated systems are more efficient than manual ones because they don't require human intervention--and when there's less work involved in updating something like your network infrastructure (wherever it may be), things run much smoother overall!

Robust security

Cloud-managed networking is more secure than traditional networking. This is because it's managed by a third party, who can monitor and manage the network to ensure that it's running smoothly. It also has a central location, so any issues with the network will be detected quickly and resolved efficiently.

Additionally, cloud-managed networks are often built with encryption in mind - this means that even if someone were to gain access to your school's internal devices (such as laptops), they wouldn't be able to see sensitive information like passwords or other private data without physically accessing them first!

Increased connectivity options

Cloud-managed networking gives your school the flexibility to choose from a wide range of connectivity options. You can run 4G, WiFi, and Ethernet wires throughout your building at lightning speeds without having to worry about equipment maintenance or installing expensive new equipment.

This feature is especially useful in schools that have multiple locations across campus. For example, if you want students in one classroom on campus to be able to access the internet from their laptops while they're working on assignments outside--or vice versa--you can set up a dedicated connection between these two locations so no matter where they are going with their devices (either inside or outside), everything will work seamlessly together as part of one seamless network experience for everyone involved!

Scalable capacity with flexible billing model

Cloud-managed networking is an ideal solution for schools that want to increase or decrease capacity as needed. In addition, it gives you the flexibility to choose your billing model based on actual usage, so no need for capital investments in future capacity needs.

Cloud-managed networking is the way to go for schools.

Cloud-managed networking with the help of Cisco Meraki for Education Sector California is the way to go for schools, homes and businesses.

The benefits of cloud-managed networking are numerous. For example:

  • Cloud-managed networks are easier to maintain than traditional on-premise networks because they don't require employees or IT staff at your organization to troubleshoot problems in person and correct them manually (which can be time consuming). This means less wasted effort when it comes down to fixing issues on your network!
  • Cloud managers can quickly repair any issues that arise with their networks without having you waiting around for them while they're busy at work elsewhere in their day/week/monthly cycle; instead they'll get right back with an update once they've finished resolving whatever issue was causing problems in the first place!


Cloud-managed networking is a big benefit for schools. It’s easy to set up, it’s easy to control, and it’s easy to scale up or down depending on your needs. It also reduces the amount of time you have to spend on maintenance and support tasks that are often overlooked by most administrators.

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