The cheapest way to move furniture : I Removals Birmingham

The cheapest way to move furniture : I Removals Birmingham
5 min read
23 October 2023

We all know very well how to furniture movers cheaply. The event is hurried and busy, with a dusty truck somewhere in the center of the yard and many side tables around. Sometimes, there may be a random loader next to the van. Or a driver willing to help.

But there are other ways to save on transportation. In fact, you can transport furniture without much expense, even with an expensive transport company, even with new cardboard boxes, an intelligent truck, and a smiling manager at the other end of the phone.

How to do it? Here is a proven path - many of our customers have tried it:

Weed out the unnecessary

If you are determined to save money, take a closer look at what you have. Even when things are scarce, you can always leave something in the old house movers.Often hidden in the thickness of furniture is something that we keep out of sentimentality. Or because they forgot to throw it away. Or because "it will come in handy at the dacha."

If the new apartment is smaller than the old one, the method should work. The less furniture you take, the faster and cheaper the transportation will be. You can try to sell old things if you have an adventurous spirit and free time. If you have neither one nor the other, give the furniture to your friends. Indeed, they also have dachas.

Protect furniture

Furniture for transportation has been selected. Now inspect your things and think about how to protect them. Do you want to save money here, too? Then you will need the internet, a phone and a couple of free hours. It would help if you looked for packaging materials stores. Call and compare prices - on cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, wrapping paper, and tape.

If you don't have time, buy packaging from the removal company Birmingham you want to order transportation. Selling materials is their additional income, and therefore, they give away boxes and film for almost nothing. A not very reliable but economical grandmother's way is to wrap small furniture in blankets and blankets and then squeeze it into a cardboard box. The only condition is that the box must be new and durable.

If you are transporting furniture around the city

When you transport furniture within the city or send it to the country, you can save on discounts. removals Hay Mills company has its shares, but there are still a few general laws. Thus, it is cheaper to transport things on weekdays, when traffic subsides. Another way is to order transportation at night or early in the morning. The reason is still the same - free roads.

If you're willing to work and don't value furniture too much, you can load the items yourself. But even here, we cannot do without transport workers. To help and organize work, hire at least one loader - you will entrust him with all fragile and "complex" furniture - glass tables, collapsible wardrobes, or beds.

If you are taking things to another city

Need to transport furniture tens of thousands of kilometers? Then go in search of strong, preferably new, trucks - these won't break down on the road and won't delay transportation. There are usually no promotions for long-distance trips, but you can save (even if a little) by packing and loading yourself.

If your furniture can wait and you have endless patience, try arranging a Removals Birmingham City Centre. To do this, you need to find those who send things to the same city as you. They can give you a few extra square footage in the van. Or you can rent a car for two. "Companions" can be found on social networks, on thematic forums, or in the same transport companies - if you dare to ask. Practical Birmingham have been offering this service for a long time, but we don't have it yet.

You can also save on furniture transportation with a transport company. True, for this you will have to work yourself. Buy boxes and tape. Fiddle with blankets. Understand the teachings of the loaders. Or figure out discount days. How much can you save with these tricks? Up to half of the original price. And this is not so little.


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Wilson Byrne 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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