The evolution of Web3 tokenization and asset rights management

The evolution of Web3 tokenization and asset rights management
1 min read

The key technology behind secure and decentralized rights markets is tokenization, a process of representing real-world or digital assets on a blockchain as tokens. This revolutionary technology is changing the way we think about asset management and value transfer. Companies and creators can now create and issue their own tokens as a means of fundraising, incentivizing users’ engagement, and providing value to the entire ecosystem. 

Within the disruption of Web3, tokenization presents new challenges, especially related to asset and rights management. As a growing number of assets are tokenized, it’s becoming increasingly essential to have secure and reliable solutions for managing Web3 assets.

Additionally, IP such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are what provide legal protection and maintain a company’s creations and branding. With the borderless nature of Web3, where lines between ownership, usage, and licensing are blurred, new approaches are crucial to ensure that ownership and usage rights are adequately defined and enforced. 

This includes the ability to customize token parameters, such as specifying limits on the token supply, setting pricing, and setting distribution parameters. TRM also adds a secure solution for managing token transfers, which enables asset issuers to enforce transfer restrictions based on regulatory requirements or other criteria.

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Saahil Khan 277
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