The Main Dangers of Traveling to Cancun

The Main Dangers of Traveling to Cancun
5 min read
21 September 2022

Sometimes, people get so carried away by the beauty and excitement of visiting a new destination that they forget to consider the disadvantages or dangers that come with the place. A very good example is Cancun. Cancun is a very popular city in Mexico that is renowned for its beautiful beaches, resorts, nightclubs, hotels, nature, and many more. It is a popular destination for tourists that welcomes nothing less than 10 million tourists yearly. Tourists can tour the nooks and crannies of this beautiful city with vehicles they rented or by public transport. It is more convenient to rent a van or a car because of the comfort and other perks it provides. There are numerous vans rental in Mexico that readily provide their services to everyone interested in renting a vehicle. Whilst Cancun is a great place to visit, it is important to know the dangers that come with such a destination so as to be prepared.

The Main Dangers of Traveling to Cancun

Every place, city, or country has its red flags. As safe as most places abroad portray themselves to be in the name of good security, varieties of crimes are still rampant. The city of Cancun is not excluded. This does not mean that one should not visit this beautiful city. No. It just means that one should be aware of what lies ahead so that one can prepare, know which place to visit or stay, and which places to avoid. Here are some of the things to beware of when planning your trip here.


It is common knowledge that anywhere one is, one should be cautious. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise when you find out that theft is rampant in Cancun because it is the same everywhere. Stealing of personal belongings, money, cars, etc. is a common occurrence here because of the influx of people. One is more likely to fall victim to a robbery, if;

  • They are new to the area;
  • They are uninformed and naive;
  • They entertain strangers;
  • They are careless;
  • They are not cautious, etc.

In some extreme cases, one might find themselves held at gunpoint and robbed. This is very common at ATM points and with cars. When withdrawing money at ATM points, ensure you are not being watched or followed, do not display your money carelessly, and keep your wallet close to you. With cars, it is advisable to be at alert, have certain security measures in place in your car (e.g. car tracker), and park in a secured place to avoid being a victim.

Many people travel without their cars when visiting a new place. Instead, they rent a car or van on arrival at their destination. One can rent from any Cancun car rental located next to their location or visit Cancun van rentals to book online.

The Main Dangers of Traveling to Cancun


In a place where there is a multitude of people, one or two persons are bound to go missing without people noticing their absence or finding out about it until much later. This can happen anywhere e.g. at the beach, in nightclubs, streets, etc. Cancun is known for its nightlife, so the case of mugging and kidnapping could happen at night. There are certain things one can do to avoid being kidnapped.

  • Do not walk alone;
  • Avoid speaking to or entertaining strangers;
  • Walk with purpose;
  • Book a means of transportation before you arrive at the airport to avoid being taken to an unknown destination;
  • Avoid drinking from anywhere to avoid being drugged, etc.

Resorts are considered one of the safest places to be while in Cancun because of the security. As long as one does not leave the territory, they are safe. Visit here to check for safe resorts.

The Main Dangers of Traveling to Cancun


Certain parts of Cancun are prone to gun violence. Places like Tulum, Quintana Roo, and Puerto Morelos record more gunfire and shootings (generally all crimes) that sometimes extend towards the tourist areas. Although, it is said that the shootings are not aimed at the tourists but rather, that they mostly occur due to the drug cartel disputes that take place around the area. However, this does not mean that innocent people do not fall victim to violence. 


Cancun is a safe place to visit. This is because the government has placed certain measures in place to ensure the security of the people and visitors. The fact that tourists still troop in in numbers yearly is adequate proof. Crime is everywhere however if you feel unsafe about visiting then do not. But, if you still want to visit, ensure to be alert always and avoid the regions that are said to be unsafe. You can visit unsafe places for more information.check it out

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Scarlett Watson 1.5K
I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Blockchain, technology, business, and the latest Blockchain marketing tren...

I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Health, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends. 

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