The Role of K9 Dogs in Search and Rescue Operations

5 min read

In today's world security is very important for protecting businesses, employers, and assets also. Hiring a security guard for businesses or employers can be a very crucial decision. Malaysia is a diverse country with numerous potential in tourism and financial investment. The country displays strong contributions to ensure its financial growth.  Malaysia houses several multinational companies and business establishments to work together and accomplish desired goals. Tourism and multinational companies' progress attracts criminal activities.  Those criminals wish to exploit running businesses and extort protection money.

Malaysia security agencies need to be a special type of person, and police K9 dogs must be a special type of dog to stop this criminal activity. These impressive animals come from generations of dogs specifically bred to perform the complicated tasks that police dogs are required to accomplish. Generally speaking, this isn’t something all dogs can do. That’s why just a few specific breeds are usually trained as police dogs.


Perhaps the most popular discipline of the k9 dog is suspect apprehension. K9 dogs are trained to bite dangerous suspects and hold them hostage. In many situations, they’re the first ones to put their lives on the line and go in against an armed suspect to protect their human partners. Most apprehensive dogs are Herding breeds, such as the Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd Dogs, and Dutch Shepherd. For hundreds of years, herding breeds were bred to have the physical strength and intelligence necessary to herd livestock. These qualities are also necessary to restrain a dangerous person. That said, they must be stable dogs. Plus, they must possess the ability to know when someone is a threat and act solely on the command of their handlers.


It’s no secret that dogs have an amazing sense of smell. Dogs have 225 million scent receptors in their noses, and security agencies use this ability to their advantage when fighting crime. When it comes to criminal activity, K9 dogs can often detect various drugs, explosives, accelerants, and other crime scene evidence. The dogs are able to perform their tasks anywhere and are most commonly searching airports and border entries for explosives and illegal drugs, large events for explosives, and even civilian vehicles that have been pulled over. Many military dogs can also detect landmines, in order to protect their handlers and personnel from danger.

Search and Rescue

A large part of security agencies' work is to protect VIPs, whether it’s someone who was kidnapped or a missing person. In the case of search and rescue, dogs can be trained to find living victims and the remains of deceased humans. They’re able to search through rubble after a devastating explosion, earthquake, or other disaster. They’re able to cover miles and miles of forest looking for a lost hiker or someone buried after an avalanche. Some can even locate the bodies of drowned victims underwater in oceans and lakes. The ability of dogs to cover large areas in a relatively short period of time provides a great resource when looking for victims. Although human searchers play an irreplaceable role, search and rescue dogs are able to get the job done with unique precision.

Special events

K9 dogs are often brought for special events such as holiday celebrations, parades, and music festivals. This is mostly for the public’s safety, so explosives aren’t left in the crowd. Additionally, it can be easy to chase suspects within a crowd, and K9 dogs can easily zoom in and out of people’s legs to apprehend anyone suspicious.

Best K9 Breeds

Dogs that get selected in the K9 unit should do things like search and rescue, protection, and drug sniffing. And not many breeds can handle such responsibility. Here are some of the best dog breeds cut to join the K9 unit.

German shepherd

These incredibly loyal dogs can be easily trained and work well in units. They are known to work well in the line of duty and are perfect to work in a K9 group. Their versatility makes them number one on our list.


It may surprise many, but being a fox breed, beagles have one of the best noses in the game. They are known widely as narcotics-sniffing dogs and can be seen in airports, border zones, and narcotics-finding patrols. Their larger-than-life personality and strong sense of smell give them an easy pass to the K9 unit.


K9 dogs can display funny and endearing behaviors, they are highly trained and focused professionals who play a vital role in various law enforcement and security tasks. Their dedication and skills are nothing short of impressive.

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Vidhi Yadav 24
Joined: 1 year ago
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