The Surprising Truth About How Often You Should Clean Your Mattress

The Surprising Truth About How Often You Should Clean Your Mattress
5 min read

Are you guilty of neglecting your mattress when it comes to cleaning? You're not alone. Many people assume that a quick vacuum or changing the sheets is enough, but the truth is, your mattress needs more TLC than you might think. In this blog post, mattress cleaning lytton reveals the surprising truth about how often you should clean your mattress and why it's essential for both better sleep and overall health. So get ready to learn some eye-opening facts and tips on keeping your bed in tip-top shape!

The Health Risks of Sleep Dirt

There’s a common misconception that sleeping on a dirty mattress is okay, but the health risks of doing so are actually pretty significant. Sleeping on dirty sheets and bedding is one of the biggest contributors to respiratory problems, including asthma and sleep apnea, as well as other illnesses.

Dust mites thrive in an environment with low humidity and moisture levels, so sleeping on a dirty mattress is one of the best environments for them to multiply. Dust mites can cause allergies, asthma attacks, and even asthma-related deaths in children. In fact, studies have shown that almost half of all asthmatics have dust mite allergy!

Not only do dust mites love a dirty mattress, they also love allergens like pet dander and hair. When you combine all of these factors with the fact that mattresses absorb 30% of their weight in sweat during sleep, it’s no wonder people end up with sick mattresses!

If you want to avoid any health risks associated with sleeping on a dirty mattress, it’s important to take care of it regularly by cleaning it with a good mattress cleaner and cover.

How Mattress Dust and Mites Cause Illness

Mattress dust and mites are two tiny creatures that can cause a lot of health problems if they're not cleaned regularly. Dust mites can cause asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems, while bed bugs can cause skin rashes and even diseases like Lyme disease.

To keep your mattress clean and free of these pests, follow these tips:

1. Clean your bed sheets every week. Bed sheets are the first place dust mites and bed bugs will crawl to. Remove any dried sweat or oils from your skin before going to bed, and be sure to wash your linens in hot water with detergent twice weekly.

2. Vacuum your mattress once a month. Dust mites love to live near surfaces that heat up, so vacuuming is one of the best ways to get rid of them. Be sure to vacuum underneath the mattress as well as around its edges and Base.

3. Use a lint-free cloth to clean mattresses. Lint traps dust mites and bed bugs by trapping their excrement along with the lint fibers on the cloth surface. Wipe down mattresses using a lint-free cloth at least once a week; it won't take long to clean them up!

The Benefits of a Clean Mattress

A clean mattress not only feels great, but it can also be a health hazard. Dust mites, bacteria, and other allergens can thrive in an unclean bed, and your sleep may be adversely affected. Here are some of the benefits of regularly cleaning your mattress:

-A Clean Mattress Feels Great: A clean mattress is not just visually appealing; it also feels great. Dust mites and other allergens are killed by regular cleaning, and you will end up sleeping more soundly because of it.

-A Clean Mattress Is Health Hazardous: Not only does a dirty mattress harbor harmful bugs and dust mites, but it can also be a health hazard if you have allergies or asthma. Allergens can cause inflammation in your lungs, which can lead to breathing problems during sleep.

-Regular Cleaning Can Save You Money: If you have to spend money on medication to treat conditions like asthma or allergies that are aggravated by a dirty mattress, regular cleaning could save you money in the long run. A clean bed is less likely to cause health problems in the first place, so you won't need to spend money on treatments down the line.


If you're like most people, you sleep on a mattress that's been slept in and covered in dust and dirt. And while it might seem like your mattress isn't dirty enough to need cleaning, that's not always the case. In this article, we'll explain how often you should clean your mattress and why it's so important. By following our advice, you can make sure that your bed is always clean and comfortable for both you and your partner. Thanks for reading!


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