The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort
16 min read

Understanding Dental Crowns and Their Importance

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that are used to cover or "cap" a damaged tooth or dental implant. They are fundamental in restoring a tooth's shape, strength, and appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials, each with its own benefits and considerations.Dental crowns Denver are an essential part of dental restoration procedures.

  • Porcelain crowns offer a natural look and are often used for front teeth.
  • Metal crowns, typically made of gold or other alloys, are strong and ideal for molars.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns combine the durability of metal with the aesthetic appeal of porcelain.

Dental crowns play a crucial role in dental restoration, effectively protecting and enhancing the structural integrity of a tooth. They are a reliable solution for individuals who have experienced tooth decay, fractures, or have had root canal therapy. Crowns also serve aesthetic purposes, improving the overall appearance of teeth that may be discolored or poorly shaped. At our Cherry Creek dentist office, we specialize in providing high-quality dental crowns to restore your smile's health and beauty.

Types of Dental Crowns Available

When considering dental crowns, patients in Denver have a variety of options to choose from, each with its own advantages and suitability for different situations. Porcelain crowns are popular for their natural appearance and compatibility with the human body, making them a top choice for front teeth restorations.

  • Metal Crowns: Durable and strong, ideal for molars where the force of chewing is greatest.
  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM): Offers a balance of strength and aesthetics.
  • All-Ceramic: Best for those with metal allergies and who prioritize a natural look.
  • Zirconia: Combines the strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain.

It's essential to discuss with your dentist the best type of crown for your specific needs, as each material has distinct properties and longevity. The right choice will depend on factors such as the tooth's location, your bite, and aesthetic preferences.

The Role of Dental Crowns in Oral Health

Dental crowns play a pivotal role in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry, serving as a protective cover for damaged or decayed teeth. They are essential in preserving the functionality of teeth, ensuring that patients can continue to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

  • Restorative Benefits:
    • Protect and strengthen weakened teeth
    • Support teeth with large fillings
    • Anchor dental bridges
    • Cover dental implants
  • Cosmetic Enhancements:
    • Improve the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth
    • Offer a natural-looking solution for tooth restoration

Dental crowns are not just about aesthetics; they are a crucial investment in maintaining oral health and preventing further dental issues. Properly cared-for crowns can last for many years, making them a cost-effective solution for a wide range of dental problems.

Selecting the Right Dentist for Your Dental Crown Procedure

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort

Qualifications and Experience of the Dentist

When selecting a dentist for your dental crown procedure in Denver, it's crucial to consider their qualifications and experience. A dentist's educational background and hands-on training are indicative of their expertise in performing dental crown procedures. For instance, a Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from a reputable institution, such as Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, coupled with a residency at a comprehensive medical center like Denver Health, showcases a solid foundation in general and specialized dentistry.

Dentists who have completed extensive postgraduate training and have experience in treating medically complex patients are often well-equipped to handle a variety of dental issues, including the placement of dental crowns.

Additionally, it's beneficial to look for dentists who are not only skilled clinicians but also visionaries in oral health, committed to transforming lives through innovative dental care. A dentist's involvement in community and educational initiatives can also speak volumes about their dedication to the field. Always ensure that the dentist you choose has a proven track record of professional, knowledgeable, and gentle care, as reflected in patient reviews and testimonials.

Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Patient reviews and testimonials are invaluable for gauging the satisfaction of those who have undergone dental crown procedures. Reading through these personal accounts can provide insights into the quality of care and patient experience.

  • “I never thought Dentists could be so skillful and caring. This is by far the best Dentist office on...”
  • “He is a wonderful dentist- professional, knowledgeable, kind, gentle, thorough.”

When selecting a dentist for your dental crown procedure, consider the collective voice of the community. The feedback from previous patients can be a powerful indicator of what you can expect.

Here's a snapshot of the ratings for two local dentistry practices:

Dentistry Practice


Number of Reviews



86 reviews



46 reviews

Consultation and Custom Treatment Planning

The journey to a perfect smile begins with a thorough consultation and custom treatment planning. Your unique dental needs and aesthetic goals are the forefront of this personalized approach. During the consultation, your dentist will discuss various treatment options and help you understand the benefits and considerations of each.

  • Comprehensive evaluation of oral health
  • Discussion of different crown materials and their advantages
  • Consideration of your personal aesthetic preferences
  • Development of a treatment plan tailored to your specific situation

The success of a dental crown procedure hinges on meticulous planning and clear communication between you and your dental professional. Ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable with the proposed plan is essential for a satisfactory outcome.

The Dental Crown Procedure: What to Expect

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort

Initial Consultation and Examination

The journey towards a new dental crown begins with a comprehensive initial consultation and examination. During this critical first step, your dentist will assess your oral health and the specific needs of your teeth. A thorough review of your medical history and current medications is essential to identify any potential contraindications and to ensure the safety of the procedure.

The initial examination may include diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, to evaluate the underlying bone structure and the condition of your existing teeth. This information is crucial for creating a custom treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.

Here's what to expect during the initial consultation:

  • Discussion of your dental concerns and goals
  • Evaluation of your oral health
  • Review of your medical history and medications
  • Possible diagnostic imaging
  • Explanation of the dental crown options suitable for you

Understanding the full scope of the procedure and addressing any concerns upfront will pave the way for a successful dental crown experience.

The Process of Getting a Dental Crown

The journey to a restored smile with a dental crown involves several key steps. Initial preparation is crucial, where your dentist will examine your teeth and create a detailed 3D scan to ensure an accurate fit for the crown. Next, you'll select the appropriate shade and specifications for your crown, ensuring it blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Once the preparation is complete, the production phase begins. A team of dental specialists will craft your crown based on the precise specifications from your teeth scan. This process typically takes 14-20 business days, after which you'll receive your crown with instructions for the next steps.

Finally, the fitting session will take place, where your dentist will securely place the crown, making any necessary adjustments for comfort and function. Aftercare is essential, and your dentist will provide guidance on maintaining your new crown to ensure longevity and ongoing oral health.

Aftercare and Maintenance of Dental Crowns

Proper aftercare and maintenance are crucial to ensure the longevity of your dental crowns. Regular check-ups and cleanings are essential to monitor the condition of your crowns and the overall health of your mouth. Here are some key points to remember for maintaining your dental crowns:

  • Avoid chewing hard foods or ice to prevent damage.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing daily.
  • Use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Consider wearing a night guard if you grind your teeth while sleeping.

It's important to address any discomfort or changes in your dental crowns promptly by contacting your dentist. Early intervention can prevent further complications and ensure your crowns last as long as possible.

Remember, dental crowns require the same level of care as your natural teeth. By following these aftercare guidelines, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

Sedation Dentistry in Denver: Easing Dental Anxiety

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort

Understanding Sedation Options and Safety

When considering sedation dentistry, it's crucial to understand that the efficacy of a sedation method does not always guarantee safety. Each patient's medical history and individual circumstances play a significant role in determining the appropriateness of sedation.

  • IV Sedation: Often used for more invasive procedures or for patients with high dental anxiety.
  • Oral Sedation: Comes in the form of a pill taken before the appointment, suitable for mild to moderate anxiety.
  • Nitrous Oxide: Also known as laughing gas, it provides relaxation during the procedure and wears off quickly afterward.

It is essential to have a thorough discussion with your dentist about the sedation options available. They will evaluate your medical history and any other relevant details to ensure the chosen method is safe for you.

Remember, the goal of sedation dentistry is to provide a comfortable experience while maintaining the highest safety standards. Always consult with your dentist to find the most suitable and safe sedation option for your dental procedure.

The Benefits of Choosing a Sedation Dentist

Choosing a sedation dentist in Denver can transform a stressful dental visit into a calm and manageable experience, especially for those with dental phobia or high sensitivity to pain. Sedation dentistry helps patients relax, reducing anxiety levels and making complex procedures more comfortable.

  • Minimizes discomfort: Sedation can significantly reduce pain and discomfort during dental procedures.
  • Alleviates anxiety: It is particularly beneficial for patients who experience intense fear or anxiety.
  • Improves efficiency: Patients are often more cooperative, allowing dentists to work more effectively and possibly complete multiple treatments in one visit.
  • Memory reduction: Some sedation methods can lead to less recall of the procedure, which is a relief for those with dental anxieties.

When considering sedation dentistry, it's crucial to discuss your medical history and any health conditions with your dentist. This ensures that the chosen sedation method is safe and tailored to your needs. Understanding the different levels of sedation and their implications is key to a successful dental experience.

Patient Experiences with Sedation Dentistry

The introduction of sedation dentistry in Denver has revolutionized the way patients undergo dental procedures. Many patients report a significant reduction in anxiety and discomfort, transforming what could be a stressful experience into a manageable one.

  • Patients with dental phobia find sedation dentistry particularly beneficial.
  • Those with high sensitivity to pain appreciate the ease that sedation brings to their dental treatments.
  • Parents note the positive impact of sedation on their children's dental visits, making the experience less daunting.

The responsible use of anesthetics by sedation dentists ensures that patients receive the care they need with minimal stress. This careful approach to sedation is crucial for both complex surgeries and routine dental work.

Understanding the personal experiences of others can provide reassurance to those considering sedation dentistry. It's clear that for many, the option to utilize sedation has made a significant difference in their perception of dental care.

Costs and Financing Options for Dental Crowns in Denver

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns in Denver: Finding Quality and Comfort

Understanding the Costs of Dental Crowns

The cost of dental crowns in Denver can vary widely based on several factors, including the type of crown, the material used, and the dentist's level of expertise. Understanding these costs is crucial for patients considering this procedure.

  • Type of Crown: Porcelain, ceramic, gold, and metal alloys are common materials, each with different price points.
  • Dentist's Expertise: More experienced dentists may charge higher fees.
  • Dental Practice Location: Practices in upscale neighborhoods might have higher rates.

While insurance can cover a portion of the cost, patients often have out-of-pocket expenses. It's important to discuss all financial aspects with your dentist during the consultation.

Flexible payment plans and financial assistance programs may be available to help manage the costs. Always inquire about these options before proceeding with treatment.

Insurance Coverage and Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Navigating the financial aspects of dental crowns can be as complex as the procedure itself. Understanding your insurance coverage is crucial to estimating your out-of-pocket expenses. Most dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost for crowns, considering them a restorative procedure. However, the coverage level can vary significantly from one policy to another.

It's important to check with your insurance provider to determine what portion of the crown procedure is covered and whether there are any limitations or exclusions. This information will help you plan financially for any costs that you will need to cover personally.

Here's a simplified breakdown of potential costs associated with dental crowns:

  • Deductible: The amount you pay before your insurance starts to cover costs.
  • Co-pay: A fixed fee you pay for a dental service, separate from the deductible.
  • Co-insurance: A percentage of the total cost that you pay after meeting your deductible.

Remember, if your insurance does not cover the full cost or if you do not have dental insurance, many dental offices in Denver offer flexible payment plans or financial assistance to help manage the expenses.

Flexible Payment Plans and Financial Assistance

Understanding the financial aspect of dental crowns is crucial for patients. Many dental practices in Denver offer flexible payment plans to accommodate different budgetary needs. These plans often allow patients to spread the cost of treatment over several months, making it more manageable.

  • Care Credit: Pay in full or in 4 monthly installments, with options starting from 0% interest.
  • In-house Financing: Some clinics provide their own financing solutions with tailored payment schedules.
  • Third-party Financing: External financial services that partner with dental clinics to offer payment plans.

It's important to discuss all available options with your dental provider to find a plan that suits your financial situation. Remember, investing in your dental health is a long-term benefit for your overall well-being.

Patients should also inquire about financial assistance programs that may be available. These programs can offer reduced rates or cover a portion of the costs for those who qualify, such as low-income individuals or families. Always ask your dentist about any current promotions or discounts that could apply to your treatment.


Navigating the world of dental crowns in Denver can be overwhelming, but armed with the right information, you can find the perfect blend of quality and comfort. From the bustling streets of Greenwood Village to the serene neighborhoods of Englewood, Denver offers a plethora of skilled dentists equipped to provide top-notch dental care. Whether you're considering sedation dentistry for a stress-free experience or seeking the best in cosmetic procedures, the key is to research and consult with certified professionals who prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Remember, your dental health is a vital part of your overall well-being, and investing in it with the help of the right dental team can lead to a lifetime of smiles. As you conclude your quest for the ultimate dental crown service in Denver, take comfort in knowing that a world of compassionate care and advanced dental technology is just an appointment away.

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