The Ultimate Guide to Upholstery Cleaning in Melbourne

The Ultimate Guide to Upholstery Cleaning in Melbourne
6 min read

Upholstered furniture adds comfort and style to any space, but over time, it can accumulate dirt, dust, and stains, detracting from its appearance and cleanliness. Upholstery cleaning is essential for maintaining the integrity and lifespan of your furniture. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about upholstery cleaning, specifically tailored to the Melbourne region.

Upholstery cleaning involves the removal of dirt, stains, and allergens from fabric-covered furniture such as sofas, chairs, and ottomans. Regular cleaning not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your furniture but also contributes to a healthier indoor environment by eliminating allergens and bacteria.

Benefits of Upholstery Cleaning

There are numerous benefits to regular upholstery cleaning. Firstly, it prolongs the lifespan of your furniture by preventing the buildup of dirt and grime that can cause premature wear and tear. Additionally, it improves indoor air quality by removing allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Moreover, clean upholstery enhances the overall appearance of your home or office, creating a welcoming and hygienic environment for occupants and visitors alike.

Types of Upholstery Fabrics

Upholstered furniture comes in a variety of fabrics, each requiring specific care and cleaning methods. Common upholstery fabrics include cotton, linen, polyester, leather, and microfiber. Before cleaning your upholstery, identify the fabric type and consult manufacturer guidelines or test a small inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility with cleaning products.

Equipment Needed for Upholstery Cleaning

Before embarking on upholstery cleaning, gather the necessary equipment. You'll need a vacuum cleaner with upholstery attachments to remove surface debris, an upholstery cleaner suitable for your fabric type, a soft-bristled brush for agitating stubborn stains, and microfiber cloths for drying and buffing.

Steps for Upholstery Cleaning

Preparing the Area

Remove cushions and pillows from the furniture and clear the surrounding area to facilitate the cleaning process.


Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to thoroughly vacuum the furniture, removing loose dirt, dust, and debris.

Spot Testing

Before applying any cleaning solution, perform a spot test on a small inconspicuous area of the upholstery to ensure compatibility and prevent damage.


Apply the appropriate upholstery cleaner to the fabric, following the manufacturer's instructions. Use a soft-bristled brush to gently agitate stains and soiled areas, then wipe away excess cleaner with a damp microfiber cloth.


Allow the upholstery to air dry completely before replacing cushions and pillows. Use fans or open windows to expedite the drying process and prevent mold or mildew growth.

Tips for Effective Upholstery Cleaning

  • Blot spills and stains immediately to prevent them from setting into the fabric.
  • Use a gentle touch when cleaning delicate fabrics to avoid damaging the fibers.
  • Test cleaning products in an inconspicuous area before applying them widely to ensure compatibility.
  • Avoid over-wetting the upholstery, as excessive moisture can lead to water stains or damage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that may damage or discolor the fabric.
  • Scrubbing vigorously at stains, which can spread them further and damage the upholstery fibers.
  • Neglecting to read manufacturer guidelines or test cleaning products before use.
  • Allowing spills or stains to remain untreated, which can lead to permanent damage or discoloration.

Importance of Professional Upholstery Cleaning

While DIY upholstery cleaning can yield satisfactory results, professional cleaning offers several advantages. Professional cleaners have access to specialized equipment and cleaning solutions, allowing them to tackle even the toughest stains and odors effectively. Moreover, they possess the expertise and experience to assess the fabric type and tailor their approach accordingly, ensuring optimal results without risking damage to the upholstery.

DIY vs. Professional Upholstery Cleaning

For routine maintenance and minor stains, DIY upholstery cleaning can be sufficient. However, for deep cleaning and stubborn stains, professional cleaning is recommended to ensure optimal results and preserve the integrity of the fabric.

Finding the Best Upholstery Cleaning Service in Melbourne

When selecting an upholstery cleaning service in Melbourne, consider factors such as reputation, experience, pricing, and customer reviews. Look for certified technicians who use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and offer satisfaction guarantees.

Cost of Upholstery Cleaning in Melbourne

The cost of upholstery cleaning in Melbourne varies depending on factors such as the size of the furniture, the fabric type, and the extent of soiling. On average, expect to pay between $50 to $200 per piece of furniture.


Upholstery cleaning is a crucial aspect of maintaining clean and healthy indoor spaces. By following proper techniques and utilizing the right equipment and cleaning products, you can effectively remove dirt, stains, and allergens from your furniture, prolonging its lifespan and enhancing its appearance. Whether you opt for DIY cleaning or enlist the help of professionals, regular upholstery cleaning is key to preserving the beauty and functionality of your upholstered furniture.


  1. How often should I clean my upholstery?

    • It's recommended to clean your upholstery at least once every 12 to 18 months, or more frequently if you have pets or heavy use.
  2. Can I use household cleaners on my upholstery?

    • It's best to use cleaning products specifically formulated for upholstery to avoid damaging the fabric. Test any new products in an inconspicuous area before applying them widely.
  3. Is professional upholstery cleaning worth the cost?

    • Professional upholstery cleaning offers thorough cleaning and expert stain removal, making it worth the investment, especially for delicate or heavily soiled fabrics.
  4. Can upholstery cleaning remove pet odors?

    • Yes, professional upholstery cleaning can effectively remove pet odors, leaving your furniture smelling fresh and clean.
  5. How long does professional upholstery cleaning take?

    • The duration of professional upholstery cleaning depends on factors such as the size of the furniture and the extent of soiling. On average, expect the process to take between 1 to 3 hours per piece of furniture.
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